June 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jun 1 05:56:23 PDT 2005
Ending: Thu Jun 30 21:59:00 PDT 2005
Messages: 998
- [AJD] What a day - Galloping idle - Backfires
Almost-Running Deere
- [AJD] What a day - Galloping idle - Backfires
LeRoy Price
- [AT] Cletrac in Va available
- [AJD] Visiting Washington DC & NW Iowa
Steve Bachman
- [AT] Cletrac in Va available
Landen Schooler
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Mike Rohrer
- [Steam-engine] Make your own Iron Castings!!
PiperCub46 at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Andy glines
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon
Jeff Smith
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Richard Strobel
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Andre' Blanchard
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Andre' Blanchard
- [Farmall] Cub Touch Control acting funny
Nadzam, John [MCCUS]
- [AJD] GP tool box
- [AT] OT-Hard drive update
msm10301 at juno.com
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Keith Kinney
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
H. L. Staples
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon
- [Steam-engine] Make your own Iron Castings!!
- [AJD] GP tool box
Dee Schuyler
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Jeff Pilbeam
- [AJD] GP tool box
Duane Larson
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
HaliganBar at aol.com
- [Farmall] Cub Touch Control acting funny
E. John Puckett
- [AJD] OT: Need help with brakes for 1930 White fire truck
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Dean VP
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Ralph Goff
- [Farmall] Cub Touch Control acting funny
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Ernie Thackeray
- [Steam-engine] Small Victories.....Madison Kipp
Andy glines
- [AT] New Idea Mower
Vaughn Miller
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Bob Smith
- [AJD] GP tool box
Dee Schuyler
- [AT] Big estate auction
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Need a tire.......
- [AT] List down?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Dean VP
- [AJD] 40 vs. 'M' Engine Block
David Smith
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Phil Auten
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
David Myers
- [AJD] GP tool box
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Greg Hass
- [AJD] no mail
Ronald L. Cook
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
Chris C
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Dean VP
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Dave Merchant
- [AT] Gee how I miss...
Indiana Robinson
- [Farmall] FINALLY!!! F-12 Brake Drums
Daniel W. Oehmke
- [AT] No mail ?
- [Farmall] F-20 at work
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] What Happened ??
rasmith4 at juno.com
- [AT] test
charlie hill
- [AT] test
msm10301 at juno.com
- Fw: [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Bob Smith
- [AJD] Is the list down?
Chris C
- [AJD] (no subject)
Duane Ledford
- [AT] test
Trevorzky at aol.com
- [AT] test
Bruce Fallon
- [AT] Test
Dave Merchant
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/4 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/4 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 6/4 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [AJD] no mail
Jim Robinson
- [AT] Re: ATIS down???
H. L. Staples
- [AJD] What a day - Galloping idle - Backfires
LeRoy Price
- [AT] Sun Master Rotory Mower Parts
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Case CC
JAHaze at aol.com
- [AT] List down?
David Bruce
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
charlie hill
- [AT] List down?
- [AT] Need a tire.......
John Wilkens
- [AT] What Happened ??
Howard Fleming
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
astroguy at nas.com
- [AT] test
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] List down?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] List down?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] List outage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Grandpa's Hands
Irma Brown
- [AT] Gee how I miss...
George Willer
- [AJD] OT: Need help with brakes for 1930 White fire truck
Brad Loomis
- [Farmall] List outage
E. John Puckett
- [AJD] Checked rows - Corn planting?
John Paur
- [Ford-ferguson] Dearborn mower
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] List outage
George Willer
- [AT] List outage
H. L. Staples
- [AJD] GP tool box
Paul O
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
George Willer
- [AJD] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Bill Brueck
- [AT] Need a tire.......
Bill Brueck
- [Steam-engine] Belting question?
Ken Majeski
- [AJD] 40 vs. 'M' Engine Block
Bus Driver
- [AT] Need a tire.......
- [AJD] List outage
Bus Driver
- Fwd: Re: [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Greg Hass
- [AT] Buda Runs!!
Ken Hough
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Alan Riley
- [Farmall] List outage
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
Chris C
- [AT] Buda Runs!!
H. L. Staples
- [AT] List outage
David Myers
- [Ford-ferguson] Hello
Anthony Schimizzi
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Ken Hough
- [AT] List outage
Richard Fink Sr
- [AJD] Testing - Delete
Dean VP
- [AJD] OT: Need help with brakes for 1930 White fire truck
Eric LaCruze
- [AJD] Testing - Delete
David Ransom
- [AJD] Testing - Delete
Dean VP
- [AT] Free JD 2010 crawler plus free dump truck - Northern CA
Richard Walker
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Mike Sloane
- [AT] List outage & trip to Altoona, PA
Terry & Carolyn Welshans
- [Ford-ferguson] RE:Tractor Spares and Plough Parts for Ferguson Ford and other British makes !
Cedric Crozier
- [Ford-ferguson] Hello
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
James Yost
- [Ford-ferguson] list outtages
Chris Britton
- [AT] Gehl 360 Skid Steer comments anybody?
- [AT] New Idea Mower
Steve W.
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
ironman1962 at earthlink.net
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Steve W.
- [AT] Big estate auction
Steve W.
- [AT] New Idea Mower
Vaughn Miller
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
Steve W.
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Dan Donaldson
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
H. L. Staples
- [AT] OT large file transfer
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
Roger Welsch
- [AJD] 40 vs. 'M' Engine Block
David Smith
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
ccfrick at cox.net
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
Mark Greer
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Ken Hough
- [AT] Spray lube recommendations
H. L. Staples
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Steamthrottle at aol.com
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Ken Hough
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
George Willer
- [AT] OT - Icon changes
msm10301 at juno.com
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] New Idea Mower
Steve W.
- [Farmall] FINALLY!!! F-12 Brake Drums
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
charlie hill
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Web page Duplex / Buda Runs!!
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Spray lube recommendation
charlie hill
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
- [AJD] 40 vs. 'M' Engine Block
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Cecil Monson
- [AT] international 460
- [AT] Grandpa's Hands
Herbert Metz
- [AT] international 460
Mike Sloane
- [AT] international 460
- [AT] international 460
Mike Sloane
- [AJD] 40 vs. 'M' Engine Block
Bus Driver
- [AJD] OT: Need help with brakes for 1930 White fire truck
John D. Swecker
- [AJD] OT: Need help with brakes for 1930 White fire truck
- [AT] It's a Cub!
HaliganBar at aol.com
- [AT] It's a Cub!
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] It's a Cub!
Dean VP
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Dean VP
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Al Walker
- [AT] Amish restraint laws
Chris Britton
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
Chris Britton
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
Cecil Monson
- [AT] It's a Cub!
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
charlie hill
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
TCHARPE at aol.com
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
George Willer
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Almost-Running Deere
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
Steve W.
- [AT] OT - Icon changes
pga2 at hot1.net
- [AT] IH 460 hydraulics pressure etc
Allan Griffiths
- [AT] Amish restraint laws
Dave Rotigel
- [AT] It's a Cub!
George Willer
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
George Willer
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
charlie hill
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
charlie hill
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
HaliganBar at aol.com
- [AT] Amish restraint laws?
Gene Waugh
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Ralph Goff
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Allis WC
Easley, Greg
- [AT] Allis WC
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Dean VP
- [AT] Allis WC
pga2 at hot1.net
- [AT] Big estate auction
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] Allis WC
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] Allis WC
Easley, Greg
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
George Willer
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Big estate auction
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Hello again
Wolf Lahti
- [Ford-ferguson] TO-30 PTO cap
Dave_B at postmark.net
- [AJD] GP tool box?????????/
- [AT] OT little dirt mover
H. L. Staples
- [AJD] The BR came home today
Chris C
- [AT] It's a Cub!
Alan Riley
- [AJD] The BR came home today
LeRoy Price
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
- [AT] caterpillar 416 backhoe
Bruce Fallon
- [AJD] The BR came home today
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] The BR came home today
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] The BR came home today
Chris C
- [Ford-ferguson] TO-30 PTO cap
Buckies at aol.com
- [AJD] The BR came home today
Chris C
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
HaliganBar at aol.com
- [AT] caterpillar 416 backhoe
D8RMAN at aol.com
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Checked rows - Corn planting?
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Dean VP
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: PTO Cap
SZakaluk at aol.com
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
charlie hill
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
Chris Britton
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
Chris Britton
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
Chris Britton
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
Chris Britton
- [Ford-ferguson] pto cap
Chris Britton
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
charlie hill
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Almost-Running Deere
- [Farmall] F-12 won't die
Anthony Flint
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
TCHARPE at aol.com
- [AT] OT little dirt mover
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 8
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [Farmall] F-12 won't die
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: PTO Cap
Buckies at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] TO-35 starter
Jerry Hargrove
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Ronald L. Cook
- Detergent oil for old engines (was Re: [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Mike Sloane
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Dan Glass
- Detergent oil for old engines (was Re: [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] F-20 at work
Bob Currie
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
George Willer
- [AT] Hello again
pga2 at hot1.net
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Ralph Goff
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowan - Now Off Topic
Dean VP
- [AT] Case 480E (OT ?)
ROBBRUT at aol.com
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Bill Brueck
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
carl gogol
- [AT] Case 480E (OT ?)
Mike Sloane
- Detergent oil for old engines (was Re: [AT] It's a Cub! Update
charlie hill
- [Ford-ferguson] TO-35 starter
Primo Campos
- [AT] Fwd: Advice from an old farmer
TCHARPE at aol.com
- [AT] Fwd: Advice from an old farmer
Dean VP
- [AT] Interesting two words - OT
Dean VP
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Chris Britton
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Chris Britton
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Michael P. Maynard
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Roger Welsch
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Tim Bivens
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
George Willer
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Gerald Johnson
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Roger Welsch
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Michael P. Maynard
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
- [AT] NW vs SW Iowa
Almost-Running Deere
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Bob W
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Almost-Running Deere
- [AJD] Testing
Steve Treimer
- [AT] It's a Cub! Update
Almost-Running Deere
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Roger Welsch
- [AJD] Testing
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] Bad K-5
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
George Willer
- [AT] Allis WC
Easley, Greg
- [Farmall] Bad K-5
Robert L. Holtzer
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] History Channel John Deere
R Mull
- [AJD] History Channel John Deere
R Mull
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
K7jdj at aol.com
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
Mark Greer
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] Re: It's a Cub!
ironman1962 at earthlink.net
- [Farmall] Bad K-5
CDHORN at aol.com
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Mark Greer
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Mark Greer
- [AJD] Testing
Wayne Johnson
- [AT] Allis WC
Phil Auten
- [AT] grease in steering gearbox
Larry D. Goss
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
John Paur
- Fw: [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
John Paur
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Bob Currie
- [AT] Tractor hauling
- [AT] Tractor hauling
- [AT] Tractor hauling
charlie hill
- [AT] Tractor hauling
- [AT] Allis WC
Easley, Greg
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Tractor hauling
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Allis WC
Roger Welsch
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
ken knierim
- [AT] Grease fittings
Mark Greer
- [AT] Grease fittings
Richard Fink Sr
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- Fw: [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Cecil Monson
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Arthur Umland
- [AT] Tractor hauling
- [Steam-engine] Manitoba Steam Events
Dan Donaldson
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
K7jdj at aol.com
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Arthur Umland
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
HaliganBar at aol.com
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dean VP
- [AT] welsch plug (grin)
Chris Britton
- [AT] grease
Chris Britton
- [AT] prime pump
Chris Britton
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Tractor hauling
Mike Sloane
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [AT] prime pump
charlie hill
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] prime pump
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
H. Fry
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Gene Dotson
- [Farmall] International Low Boys
Bob Currie
- [AT] Allis WC
Bustedtractor at aol.com
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dallas and Kathy
- [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
John Paur
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dean VP
- Fw: [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
John Paur
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dean VP
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
George Willer
- [AT] Re: Floyd River
Dean VP
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
David Myers
- [AT] Water in #$%& CUB steering box
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] prime pump
Indiana Robinson
- [Farmall] International Low Boys
Mike Schmudlach
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Dean VP
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Mammoth tractor
Ralph Goff
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Larry D. Goss
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
K7jdj at aol.com
- [Farmall] International Low Boys
Bob Currie
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Gene Dotson
- [AT] cub with woods mower
Bill Dunn
- [AT] cub with woods mower
Mike Sloane
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Cecil Monson
- [AT] cub with woods mower
- [AT] Grease fittings
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] welsch plug (grin)
Roger Welsch
- [AT] Allis WC
Roger Welsch
- [AT] Mammoth tractor
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] RE: B Allis
- [AT] RE: B Allis
pga2 at hot1.net
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Rob Wilson
- [AT] Tractors for sale
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 11
Chris Britton
- [AT] prelube / prime pump
Chris Britton
- [AT] priming
Chris Britton
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Greg Whittaker
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
George Willer
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [AT] RE: B Allis
charlie hill
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Follow up (was Tractors for sale
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Ohio residents -OT
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
charlie hill
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] RE: B Allis
- [AT] welsch plug (grin)
Terry Welch
- [AT] welsch plug (grin)
Dean VP
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Tim Nobles
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
George Willer
- [Farmall] Tractors for sale
Ferg8n9n at aol.com
- [AT] Mammoth tractor
Ralph Goff
- [AT] cub / prime oil pump
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Tim Nobles
- [AT] Ohio residents -OT
Tom Yasnowski
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Tim Nobles
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
George Willer
- [AT] Re: Cat D6 Engine
CBear81438 at aol.com
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Grease fittings
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] Grease fittings
ken knierim
- [AT] Re: Cat D6 Engine
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/11 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 6/11 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/11 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Front Wheel hub for a D-14
rasmith4 at juno.com
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Indiana Robinson
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
Chris C
- [AT] Horse-and-plow farming makes comeback in U.S.
Dean VP
- [AT] Front Wheel hub for a D-14
carl gogol
- [AT] Oliver tractor on e-bay cheap looks good
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Tim Nobles
- [AT] Oliver tractor on e-bay cheap looks good
Dean VP
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
ken knierim
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
John Boehm
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Dean VP
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Dean VP
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AJD] 1936 BR / Spoked wheel repair
- [AT] Bio-diesel
charlie hill
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Michael P. Maynard
- [AT] Grease fittings
Mark Greer
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
LeRoy Price III
- [AT] Bio-diesel
charlie hill
- [AJD] Tractor Test Unit
Kenneth Jones
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Michael P. Maynard
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 6/11 Lancaster Farming
E. John Puckett
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
ken knierim
- [AT] cub belt
Chris Britton
- [AT] prime oil pump with prozac?
Chris Britton
- [AJD] Odd 630 configuration
Dean VP
- [AT] prime oil pump with prozac?
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] farmall H on ebay in Idaho
Bruce Fallon
- [Ford-ferguson] I knew there was a reason...
CS Faherty
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Spencer Yost
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Ronald L. Cook
- [AJD] BR or BO 325689 runs again
Chris C
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Dean VP
- [AJD] PS foaming issue
Cotton Family
- Fw: [Farmall] Machine Shed and Shop
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
Cecil Monson
- [Steam-engine] Re: Manitoba Steam Events
Best, Dianne
- [Steam-engine] Echuca Steam & Horse Festival 2005 - Report and Photos
Paul Pavlinovich
- [AT] O/T 1941 Ford Business Coupe
George Willer
- [AT] Bio-diesel
charlie hill
- [AT] Bio-diesel
charlie hill
- [Ford-ferguson] I knew there was a reason...
Buckies at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] I knew there was a reason...
Jim Barrett
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Bio-diesel
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Bio-diesel
George Willer
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Michael P. Maynard
- [AT] Bio-diesel
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Chuck Saunders
- [AJD] BR or BO 325689 runs again
LeRoy Price
- [Ford-ferguson] I knew there was a reason...
Buckies at aol.com
- [AT] Bio-diesel
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Bio-diesel
Chuck Saunders
- [AT] Bio-diesel
charlie hill
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Terry Welch
- [AT] WAY OT Bio-diesel
Spencer Yost
- [Farmall] Bank barn experience?
Paul Sigmund
- [AJD] BR or BO 325689 runs again
Chris C
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Dean VP
- [AJD] BR or BO 325689 runs again
LeRoy Price
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Bank barn experience?
soffiler at myeastern.com
- [Farmall] Bank barn experience?
George Willer
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] WAY OT Bio-diesel
Kent Blomgren
- [AJD] Reunion on the River - Gathering of the Green
KWReese at aol.com
- [AT] WAY OT Bio-diesel
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
charlie hill
- [AJD] For Dean
Richard Strobel
- [AT] WAY OT Bio-diesel
Richard Strobel
- [Farmall] Bank barn experience?
Larry L Hardesty
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dan Glass
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Ronald L. Cook
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Wrench50 at aol.com
- [AJD] For Dean
Dean VP
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 1 Ferguson TO-20
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Dean VP
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Dean VP
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
- [AT] Roll over plow
Wayne Snelling
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 1 FergusonTO-20
John Shoaf
- [Ford-ferguson] Vol 13, FergusonTO-20 bush
Buckies at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 1 FergusonTO-20
Mike Sloane
- [AT] O.T.
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 1 Ferguson TO-20
Bob W
- [AJD] Reunion on the River - Date Correction
KWReese at aol.com
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Terry Welch
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Lane Freeman
- [AT] Reference check - Lincoln, NE
Dean VP
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
George Willer
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Michael P. Maynard
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
steve smith
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Lane Freeman
- [AT] Water in #$%& CUB steering box
Mark Greer
- [AT] RE: B Allis
Mark Greer
- [AJD] 40 inch Spokes
LeRoy Price
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Mark Greer
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
CBear81438 at aol.com
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Mark Greer
- [AJD] Reunion on the River - Date Correction
Paul O
- [AJD] 40 inch Spokes
Dean VP
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Ronald L. Cook
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- [AJD] 40 inch Spokes
John Boehm
- [AJD] Reunion on the River - Date Correction
Dean VP
- [AJD] Odd 530 configuration
Ronald L. Cook
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Terry Welch
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Cecil Monson
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Cecil Monson
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 7
Chris Britton
- [AT] Roll over plow
Farmerbeal at aol.com
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
Ralph Goff
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Mark Greer
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AJD] 214 Bailer
Kevin Smolkowski
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Mike Sloane
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Larry D. Goss
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AJD] 214 Bailer
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Larry D. Goss
- [AJD] 214 Baler
Kevin Smolkowski
- [AJD] 214 Baler
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 7 responses
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
Louis R Godena
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
charlie hill
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
Louis R Godena
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
Cecil Monson
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
- [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Cecil Monson
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
Louis R Godena
- [AJD] 214 Bailer
Hans Krueger
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
Tim Nobles
- [AT] Caterpillar Service Literature
Richard Fink Sr
- [AJD] 1939 B home today
Chris C
- [AJD] BR/BO AR/AO differences, is it really this easy?
Chris C
- [AT] Woods 42 Question
George Willer
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
charlie hill
- [AJD] 214 Baler
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
Ralph Goff
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Mark Greer
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Mark Greer
- [AT] Grease fittings
Mark Greer
- [Farmall] Bank barn experience?
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
George Willer
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
Steve W.
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Rob Gray
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AJD] BR/BO AR/AO differences, is it really this easy?
Dean VP
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AJD] John Deere rake part
Louis R Godena
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
charlie hill
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
John McDevitt
- [AJD] 214 Baler
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: Ford-ferguson Digest, Vol 13, Issue 7 responses
Bob W
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
Cecil Monson
- [AT] OT Land prices was RE: B Allis
Cecil Monson
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Richard Strobel
- [AT] Saskatchewan tractor trek
charlie hill
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- [AT] Original/copied manuals
Allan Griffiths
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
James Mackessy
- [Ford-ferguson] chains/toplink
Chris Britton
- [Ford-ferguson] chains/toplink
Bob W
- [AJD] 214 Baler
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] 214 Baler
Steve Treimer
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Andy glines
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Andy glines
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
John McDevitt
- [AT] A little of topic Antique moulding plane
carl gogol
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Ken Mulenex at cox.net
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
- [AJD] 1939 B home today
Robert M. Massengale
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
John McDevitt
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
John McDevitt
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Tod Engine
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac
Ferg8n9n at aol.com
- [AJD] 214 Baler
wwwayne johnson
- [AJD] BR/BO AR/AO differences, is it really this easy?
LeRoy Price
- [AJD] 214 Baler
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] BR/BO AR/AO differences, is it really this easy?
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] BR/BO AR/AO differences, is it really this easy?
Chris C
- [AJD] 1939 B home today
Chris C
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- [AJD] JD rake part
Louis R Godena
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Cecil Monson
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
John McDevitt
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac
John McDevitt
- [AJD] JD rake part
Bill Brueck
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
soffiler at myeastern.com
- [AJD] JD rake part
Bill Brueck
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac
soffiler at myeastern.com
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Jim Becker
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
soffiler at myeastern.com
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Richard Strobel
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Richard Strobel
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
soffiler at myeastern.com
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Jim Hudson
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
Ralph Goff
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
James & Linda Whittington
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
James Mackessy
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
James & Linda Whittington
- [AT] JD pawl needed-
H. L. Staples
- [Steam-engine] BE at Wauseon Was: Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Ken Hough
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Howard Weeks
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac
John McDevitt
- [Steam-engine] Re: Steam-engine Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
Michael Nix
- [AT] JD pawl needed-
Dean VP
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
Ralph Goff
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Grant Brians
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
- [AT] JD pawl needed-
steve sewell
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AT] Roll over plow
Landen Schooler
- [AT] Roll over plow
Landen Schooler
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
Dan Donaldson
- Obsolete inventory (was Re: JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Another Case on the way home
JAHaze at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Richard Strobel
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Tod Engine
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
charlie hill
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Larry D. Goss
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
Larry D. Goss
- [AT] NOS Parts - Parts Depot contact info
Dean VP
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Kyle Sands
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Bill Brueck
- [AJD] Parts washer fluid
Bill Brueck
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
CopperheadMarine at aol.com
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Jim Becker
- [AT] engine and tractor auction
Greg Whittaker
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/18 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 6/18 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/18 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [AJD] JD rake part
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] Roll over plow
Farmerbeal at aol.com
- [AT] japanese tractors
Bruce Fallon
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
Jeff Smith
- [AJD] Parts washer fluid
Kenneth Jones
- [AT] japanese tractors
Dean VP
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Dudley Rupert
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
- [AT] japanese tractors
Dean VP
- [AJD] JD rake part
Louis R Godena
- [AJD] JD rake part
Bruce Mahr
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
- [AT] japanese tractors
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
- [Steam-engine] Steam Traction
Jeff Smith
- [AT] japanese tractors
Dean VP
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Clint D
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Dudley Rupert
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Roymh350 at aol.com
- [Farmall] International 504 Hi Clear
Troy Bogdan
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
David Myers
- [Farmall] Oliver Cletrac HG Question
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Selling things and hurricanes
Cecil Monson
- [Steam-engine] Steam Traction
EJHottel at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Direction of rotation
Richard Strobel
- [AT] japanese tractors
Bruce Fallon
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Kent Blomgren
- [AT] Re:
Phil Auten
- [AJD] JD stationary chopper
Richard Strobel
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Dean VP
- [AT] Selling things and hurricanes
Grant Brians
- [AT] Selling things and hurricanes
Cecil Monson
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
Terry Welch
- [Steam-engine] Tod Engine Tour
Terry Welch
- [AT] Selling things and hurricanes
Brett Phillips
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
Ken Hough
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Ken Hough
- [AT] Roll over plow
Landen Schooler
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
Jeff Smith
- [AJD] values of 35 john deeres?
jane opp
- [Steam-engine] Rynda Reunion at NTA, almost
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
David Myers
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Mark Greer
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Jerry Rhodes
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
- [AT] solvent
Chris Britton
- [AT] auction with something for everyone
Ralph Goff
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
Ben Carpenter
- [AT] solvent
Bill Brueck
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- JD pawl needed- was Re: [AT] Really depressing loss of old iron...
Dean VP
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Tod Engine Tour
Tod Engine
- [AT] auction with something for everyone
charlie hill
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Thomas O. Mehrkam
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
- Frameall? was Re: [AT] auction with something for everyone
Guy Fay
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
Roger Welsch
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
Dan Donaldson
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- Frameall? was Re: [AT] auction with something for everyone
Mark Greer
- [AT] auction with something for everyone
- [AT] Solvent
Andy Glines
- [Ford-ferguson] Re: chain issues
- [AT] Sandwich IL Engine & Tractor Show
Steve Barr
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Jerry Rhodes
- [AJD] values of 35 john deeres?
Kenneth Jones
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
- Frameall? was Re: [AT] auction with something for everyone
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Duplex 4 wheel drive truck
Dave Merchant
- [AT] International 504 Hi Clear.
Troy Bogdan
- [Ford-ferguson] chains
Chris Britton
- [AT] International 504 Hi Clear.
Guy Fay
- [AT] A vice worse than baling hay
Chuck Saunders
- [Ford-ferguson] Hight Limiter Chain Discussions from the YT Mag 2N, 9N, 8N Board
Bullock, Mark E
- [AT] Re: 290 J.D. Planter
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] Solvent
David Myers
- [AT] House Restoration
- [AT] Re: 290 J.D. Planter
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Solvent
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] House Restoration
Richard Strobel
- [AT] Solvent
- [AT] House Restoration
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Solvent
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Solvent
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Solvent
Almost-Running Deere
- [AT] Duplex 4 Wheel drive site works now
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive site works now
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive Fuel truck
Dave Merchant
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive site works now
Andy glines
- [Steam-engine] Duplex 4 Wheel drive site works now
James Mackessy
- [Steam-engine] Jim Mackessy Duplex 4 Wheel drive system
Ken Hough
- [AT] Parts washer fluid
Kyle Sands
- [AJD] Parts washer fluid
Kyle Sands
- [AT] House Restoration
Rob Gray
- [AT] House Restoration
Ken Hough
- [AT] Need TD18A moving advice
jim davidson
- [AT] House Restoration
Rob Wilson
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Dean VP
- [AT] Need TD18A moving advice
D8RMAN at aol.com
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
K7jdj at aol.com
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
- [AJD] Will County Threshermens Show in Illinois
Terry & Carolyn Welshans
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Phil Auten
- [AT] Need TD18A moving advice
- [AT] Dean
Gayle or Ron Chew
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Richard Strobel
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
charlie hill
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Jerry Rhodes
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Dudley Rupert
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Louis R Godena
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
Karl Olmstead
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
Bob Currie
- [AT] Need TD18A moving advice
jim davidson
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
Skip Cleveland
- [AT] Solvent
David Myers
- [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
LeRoy Price III
- [AT] Solvent
John Wilkens
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
Keith Kinney
- [AT] House Restoration
Rob Gray
- [AT] Solvent
DieselBob at aol.com
- [AT] Solvent
Steve W.
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
E. John Puckett
- [AT] Solvent
Bruce Fallon
- [AT] Solvent
charlie hill
- [AT] Solvent
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
Andy glines
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
Andy glines
- [AJD] What a day - Galloping idle - Backfires
LeRoy Price
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
lyman amsden
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - Very Interesting !!
Kenneth Jones
- [AT] Solvent
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
Farmerbeal at aol.com
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Dee Schuyler
- [AT] Solvent
Dave Rotigel
- [AT] MF65
Farmerbeal at aol.com
- [AT] MF65
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] MF65
charlie hill
- [AT] MF65
Dudley Rupert
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
Roger Welsch
- [AT] Re: Thanks
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
Dave Ernst
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
Roger Welsch
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
cliff king
- [Ford-ferguson] D.W.'s Motor Machine
Robert L. Holtzer
- [Ford-ferguson] MF 35 PTO question
Dave Edinger
- [Steam-engine] ISSES
Tod Engine
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
John Hall
- [AT] Duplex 4 Wheel drive site works now
David Myers
- [AT] Solvent
David Myers
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
David Myers
- [AT] Wet Sleeves
David Myers
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
David Myers
- [Steam-engine] ISSES
David Myers
- [AT] Solvent
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
Roger Welsch
- [AT] F-20 / F-30 Question
DieselBob at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Farmerbeal at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
George Willer
- [AT] Tractors...in Hawaii?
Dave Ernst
- [AT] Solvent
- [AT] Solvent
Rob Wilson
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - Very Interesting !!
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [Steam-engine] Jim Mackessy Duplex 4 Wheel drive system
Dave Merchant
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
rasmith4 at juno.com
- [AT] Solvent/machines
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [AT] IH 46 Hay baler
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] To: Dave Meyers: Duplex 4 Wheel Drive
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
James Mackessy
- [Farmall] K5 bushings
Andy glines
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Andy glines
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Louis R Godena
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] RE: [AT] NW Two Cylinder Expo, Chehalis, WA June 24-26
Gary Epps
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Louis R Godena
- [Ford-ferguson] MF 35 PTO question
David Bruce
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - Very Interesting !!
TSmith1499 at aol.com
- [Ford-ferguson] MF 35 PTO question
Chuck Kuecker
- [AT] Solvent/machines
Rob Wilson
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - Very Interesting !!
Kenneth Jones
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - Very Interesting !!
Kenneth Jones
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
David Myers
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting !!
Cotton Family
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting !!
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mark Greer
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mark Greer
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mark Greer
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Dave Rotigel
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] MF 35 PTO question
ML & G Forrest
- [Ford-ferguson] mf-35 / live pto
Chris Britton
- [Ford-ferguson] mf-35 / live pto
David Bruce
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mark Greer
- Fw: [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mark Greer
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
Jeff Smith
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
Andy glines
- [AT] Tabor boys?
charlie hill
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
James Mackessy
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
Mattias Kessén
- Fw: [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Tabor boys?
Danny Tabor
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
Jeff Smith
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Louis R Godena
- [Farmall] F-20 progress
Karl Olmstead
- [AT] Tabor boys?
charlie hill
- OT: Shooting was Re: [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming
ken knierim
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Jim Showers
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Duane Larson
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
CopperheadMarine at aol.com
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting !!
Gary Epps
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Louis R Godena
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting !!
TSmith1499 at aol.com
- [Farmall] Decals
Arthur Umland
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Dallas and Kathy
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Larry D. Goss
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re: [AJD] I have heard it all now =5F John Deere Homes -=09VeryInteresting=09!!?=
greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
- [AJD] NW Iowa trip - Change of travel plans
Dean VP
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes- VeryInteresting !!
Brad Loomis
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Mike Sloane
- [AJD] NW Iowa trip - Change of travel plans
- [AJD] NW Iowa trip - Change of travel plans
Mitchell Daly
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Tom Yasnowski
- [Ford-ferguson] live pto vs ind pto
Chris Britton
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [Steam-engine] Pipe fitting & threading
Andy glines
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting !!
Eric LaCruze
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Cecil Monson
- [AT] 1929 John Deere D
Dave Ernst
- [AT] 1929 John Deere D
Indiana Robinson
- [Steam-engine] Pipe fitting & threading
Harold Kuret
- [Steam-engine] Oils for engine parts
Jeff Smith
- [AJD] NW Iowa trip - Change of travel plans
Bus Driver
- [Farmall] Decals
Gary Hayes in Bouse, AZ
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Bruce Mahr
- [AT] 1929 John Deere D
jahaze at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
James Mackessy
- [AJD] JD B with "live" PTO?!?
Louis R Godena
- [AT] Central MO to Dayton, OH area trip
Len Rugen
- [Ford-ferguson] Hood mounting / pivot bolts
Bob Erickson
- [AT] Farmall M 9 Spd Gear Set
Dudley Rupert
- [AJD] I have heard it all now _ John Deere Homes - VeryInteresting!!
wwwayne johnson
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
Wolf Lahti
- [Ford-ferguson] D.W.'s Motor Machine
Buckies at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
Ken Hough
- [AT] Scary day
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
rdhaskell at juno.com
- [AT] Big round baler?
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Edchainsaw at aol.com
- [AT] Central MO to Dayton, OH area trip
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Scary day
Rob Wilson
- [Farmall] F-30
Ferg8n9n at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [AT] Scary day
DAVIESW739 at aol.com
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
- [Farmall] Decals
Bob Currie
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Re: Woods Mower
Mike Sloane
- [AT] 860 not running
Chris Britton
- [AT] Central MO to Dayton, OH area trip
Len Rugen
- [AT] Scary day
two4ac at earthlink.net
- [AT] RE: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 30
Andy Glines
- [AT] RE: AT Digest, Vol 16, Issue 30
Andy Glines
- [AT] 860 not running
charlie hill
- [AT] CubFest 2005
- [AT] Big round baler?
Bill Bruer
- [Farmall] CubFest 2005
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] Opinions on a Farmall 460 Utility
John.Samulevich at alltel.com
- [Farmall] Decals
Arthur Umland
- [Farmall] Which IH utility?
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [Ford-ferguson] Hood mounting / pivot bolts
Robert L. Holtzer
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Francis Orr
- [AT] CubFest 2005
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Ford 860 - runs briefly
Larry D. Goss
- [Steam-engine] Pipe fitting & threading
Francis Orr
- [Steam-engine] Oilers for Crosshead slides
Richard Strobel
- [Farmall] Opinions on a Farmall 460 Utility
Mike Sloane
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
Jeff Smith
- [AT] Re: Scary day
Edchainsaw at aol.com
- [AT] Re: Big round baler?
Edchainsaw at aol.com
- [Farmall] Opinions on a Farmall 460 Utility
Lane Freeman
- [AT] Re: Big round baler?
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Scary day
Danny Tabor
- [Farmall] New needles don't fit baler right
William Ransom
- [Farmall] New needles don't fit baler right
Jim Becker
- [Steam-engine] Wachs vertical Excentric oiling question
Richard Strobel
- [Farmall] Which IH utility?
Steve Offiler
- [Steam-engine] Wachs vertical Excentric oiling question
James Mackessy
- [Steam-engine] Wachs vertical Excentric oiling question
Ken Hough
- [Steam-engine] Wauseon - NTA
- [AT] Big round baler?
Dan Folske
- [AJD] Not asking for advice, just need to vent...
David Ransom
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 21:59:00 PDT 2005
Archived on: Tue Aug 16 12:12:27 PDT 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).