[AT] cub / prime oil pump
George Willer
gwill at toast.net
Thu Jun 9 10:27:33 PDT 2005
None of us has experienced all the possible conditions that may come up...
even an advanced expert like you. I DID lose a set of bearings in an engine
that failed to prime after setting all winter. Luckily, I was able to get
replacement bearings and rebuild the pump and get the engine running
properly when I needed the tractor urgently. It's been performing
flawlessly for the dozen or so years since the event.
Excuse me, but I think many of us understand how an engine works. The old
wives' tale is that we should take advice from Walt! :-(
George Willer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald L. Cook" <rlcook at pionet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] cub / prime oil pump
> It is probably a good thing you don't overhaul my aircraft engines.
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
>>Mike the bearings in the engine have residual oil in them the engine will
>>run for quite sometime without oil pressure. When you tear down an
>>engine even
>>one that has set for a long time you will find that the bearing are still
>>covered with oil. The manufacture has built this into the engine because
>>know that people will leave their vehicles set for long periods and then
>>in and hit the starter. It only takes a few seconds for a properly
>>oil pump to get up to pressure.
>>I have heard this priming the oil pump by all kinds of methods because
>>people have been told by others who don't understand how an engine works
>>that they
>>will destroy the bearing if the engine doesn't get oil pressure
>>but this is just another old wives tales. Do you think that the car
>>manufactures prime every pump before they start your new car engine. Not
>>on your
>>life. They coat the bearings with oil before installing them and this is
>>sufficient to start the engine for the very first time. I have rebuilt
>>many engines
>>in my life and have never primed a pump yet and have never lost a bearing
>>waiting for the oil pressure to come up.
>>Walt Davies
>>Cooper Hollow Farm
>>Monmouth, OR 97361
>>503 623-0460
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