[AT] WAY OT Bio-diesel

Indiana Robinson robinson at svs.net
Tue Jun 14 06:37:38 PDT 2005

	I have long been a proponent of soy-diesel... At the moment the lack of low cost control 
of asian rust may stifle that a bit in the short term.
	Many years ago I tried my best to get my parents to put down a natural gas well since we 
already know we are sitting on a good supply. I about had them convinced when a 10" high 
pressure line was installed past the farm to feed the then new GE wire mill at this edge 
of town. They let folks living along the line tap in and the rate was cheap. The wire 
mill is now gone and the rate is no longer cheap.   :-)  To top things off an un-noticed 
leak on her side of the meter cost my mother about $1800 in a month a while back. You 
might want to park that comment in a corner of your brain and remember it if you buy gas 
through a meter...   :-)   
	 Had we put down a well not only could all of the farms heating been supplied but the 
workhorse tractors could have been converted to compressed natural gas as well as the 
trucks. A natural gas powered engine could also have generated electricity.

	Asian rust note, I was just reading that it can overwinter here in the corn belt in 
several clovers and other legumes including peas and edible beans as well as kudzu in the 
southern part of the state.
	I don't really buy the big story that it came in from South America on the hurricane... 
We have been importing South American soybeans into the southeastern US like crazy for 

"farmer", Esquire
At Hewick Midwest
      Wealth beyond belief, just no money...

Paternal Robinson's here by way of Norway (Clan Gunn), Scottish Highlands,
Cleasby Yorkshire England, Virginia, Kentucky then Indiana. In America 100 
before the revolution.

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana USA
robinson at svs.net

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