[Ford-ferguson] I knew there was a reason...

CS Faherty wngrdr at ywave.com
Sun Jun 12 21:36:02 PDT 2005

...that I love this hobby:

Hello All - 

Yes, I'm still here. Been lurking for the better part of the last few years
owing to many things - Life, kids, lack of funding - the usual. 

I just got back from a trip to Trout Creek, Montana (About halfway between
Plains and Sandpoint, ID) to deliver my father-in-law's '38 Farmall Super A
to him, at his new home. (http://www.pugetsoundserver.com/pages/tractors.htm
for pictures)

First of all, it was a shame that he was not able to make the 8+ hour trip
with us and hear any of the compliments he received on the restoration. I
lost count of the number of people who were craning their necks or slowing
down to match speed for a better look. A number of people approached me at
stops, wanting to ask questions or tell me stories about the tractors they
grew up with/remembered/were restoring. Like most of us - I can spend an
entire day discussing the old machines. To my wife's credit, she didn't
complain once about the time this added. (She has fond childhood memories of
this particular machine - but I suspect she secretly believes that
collecting and restoring is grounds for mental certification.)

It was Tulare in 2003 where I took pictures of another Super A and
challenged my father in law to do better with the rusting unit in his yard.
When we showed up for Christmas that same year - He drug me out to the shop
to show me the progress he had made. (Retired people have an unfair time
advantage... lol) By the time April rolled around again, he could have shown

I haven't been able to make a show since and work on the "N" has had to be
put on a back burner for a number of reasons. This trip served to remind me
of what it is that I love about antique tractors - they are a bit of history
that many people can relate to, and aren't afraid to talk about. For most -
they seem to bring up fond memories and pleasant stories. They have a very
unassuming way of turning a stranger into a friend. (We won't talk about the
profanity when the bolt strips or breaks and the engine fires and dies for
the 22nd straight time...)

Anyhow, just thought I would share my thoughts.

(The other) Spencer - Yelm, Washington
'43 Ford 2N

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