[AT] Free JD 2010 crawler plus free dump truck - Northern CA

Richard Walker richardwalker at pobox.com
Sun Jun 5 23:25:52 PDT 2005

This listing appeared on-line today:


Located in Northern CA.  I know absolutely nothing more about this deal 
than what was listed in the ad.  Just passing the word along.  Sounds like 
an iffy deal at the most, dependent upon the whim of what sounds like a 
flaky seller, but who knows.  Eight hours drive away from me so I'm not 
interested in such a risky gamble, but maybe someone closer will be.

Here's the full text of the listing:


I posted this a few days ago and about a zillion people responded with 
questions, but my life has been in disaster mode and I haven't been able to 
respond to many of you. The Toyota Camrey and the planer have been spoken 
for, but the person hasn't come to get them yet... but for now I'm going to 
hold them for her. All the other free stuff is still available because I've 
been too busy to deal with it. My house and property are in default, so I 
need to get rid of this stuff so I can get the place sold quickly. (hey... 
if anyone knows someone looking for an amazing play to buy, please put them 
in touch with me) Here is a list of the stuff I'm giving away:

Free stuff:

* Dump truck (had carborator problem and has been sitting ever since it 
broke down- also, I lost the paperwork to it years ago- also the seats are 
shot, doors have problems, and the windshield got cracked) back window is 

* John Deere 2010 crawler - bull dozer with backhoe and 4 in 1 bucket 
(engine was replaced with timing mark off). It has been sitting for 12 
years with the glow plugs out, so I'm sure that by now the engine must 
probably be rusted somewhat.

* A couple hundred windows and doors and lots of glass from windows (some 
windows and doors are in bad condition, some in good condition) Take at 
your own risk... I don't want liability if you cut yourself. You should 
bring work gloves and safety goggles.

Huge amount of lumber/firewood (some rot so I so I suspect it is better for 
burning than for building)

* gold mining stuff. I don't know what it is... but was told it was for 
gold mining...some sort of huge round pipes several feet in diameter with 
holes in them... very heavy. At least one of them looks like it has some 
broken teeth.

* trailers (in poor condition and papers lost)

* wood stoves

* planer (claimed but not picked up yet)

* Toyota Camrey (paperwork misplaced) (claimed but not picked up yet)

I've got to find a buyer for my house this weekend so am very busy and 
don't have time to deal with questions about this stuff. I'm going to give 
the buyer first choice of whatever free stuff is left. I have a lot of land 
here and we are going to be clearing some brush that grew in some of the 
meadows and repairing some hiking trails on it, so if you arrive and I'm 
not here, I'll check back at the house every hour or so.

Here is a problem: Someone stuck a pile of rocks in front of the road I was 
using to get stuff into and out of the property. I have no way to move the 
rocks. Bushes have grown up, so I haven't even seen the bulldozer/backhoe 
in the past few years.

When there is no traffic, I'd guess that it takes about three and a half 
hours to get to my house from San Francisco... it is out in the mountains 
near the town of Branscomb.

Sorry, I'm in panic mode to sell my house (I just defaulted on the loan and 
must get the house sold immediatly), so don't have time to answer a bunch 
of questions about this free stuff right now. No I don't have any photos.

Today I'm going to give away the following items: windows, doors, one 
antique trailer in very bad condition... frame rotted and needs work before 
trailer can be moved; gold mining stuff; lumber. Will give away more next 
weekend. So if you are interested in the other stuff please wait until next 
weekend because I don't want to deal with it today. Please don't call about 
the free stuff... I don't have time to answer questions about it.

I'm not going to give anything away after 2 pm today. So if you want any of 
the items I'm giving away you need to be here before 2 PM. I won't be 
answering questions by email, and am not going to deal with the dump truck, 
bull dozer, and other stuff until next weekend. You can reach me at (707) 
984-7139 for directions.

Thanks to everyone, and sorry I've been so busy/overwhelmed. Again, please 
don't send me email with questions about the free stuff... I don't have 
time to answer them.


So that's it - good luck to anyone who follows this up.


Richard & Judy Walker
Monrovia, CA

richardwalker @ pobox.com
judywalker @ pobox.com
delete spaces to use addresses

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