July 2019 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jul 1 00:22:17 PDT 2019
Ending: Wed Jul 31 20:57:34 PDT 2019
Messages: 243
- [AT] "OT The farmer is the biggest gambler in the world"
James Peck
- [AT] "The farmer is the biggest gambler in the world"
- [AT] "The farmer is the biggest gambler in the world"
ustonThomas Mehrkam
- [AT] "The farmer is the biggest gambler in the world"
Mark Johnson
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Gunnells, Brad R
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Bo Hinch
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Mark Greer
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Mark Greer
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Mark Greer
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Mark Johnson
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
John Hall
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
David Myers
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Mike M
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Bo Hinch
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
jdnut at aol.com
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
John Hall
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Gene Dotson
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] [External] Caution: antique tractor usage
jdnut at aol.com
- [AT] [External] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Gunnells, Brad R
- [AT] [External] Re: Fighter escort for old iron
Gunnells, Brad R
- [AT] [External] Re: Fighter escort for old iron
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] [External] Re: Fighter escort for old iron
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] Allen, NE
Joe Hazewinkel
- [AT] bearing manufacturers was Caution: antique tractor usage
James Peck
- [AT] bearing manufacturers was Caution: antique tractor usage
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] bearing manufacturers was Caution: antique tractor usage
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] Caution: antique tractor usage
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Caution: antique tractor usage
Milo Holroyd
- [AT] Caution: antique tractor usage
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Cletrac article
- [AT] Cletrac article
k7jdj at aol.com
- [AT] D4 7U traps?
John Maddock
- [AT] D4 7U traps?
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] D4 7U traps?
John Maddock
- [AT] Deere 660 rake plus
jdnut at aol.com
- [AT] Deere 660 rake plus
Spencer Yost
- [AT] F 20 restoration
rdhaskell at juno.com
- [AT] Farmers Business Network - Super C
John Maddock
- [AT] Farmers Business Network - Super C
craig.warner47346 at frontier.com
- [AT] Farmers Business Network - Super C
John Maddock
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Aaron Dickinson
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
partzpicker at yahoo.com
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Ken Knierim
- [AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Thomas Mehrkam
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
jdnut at aol.com
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
James Peck
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Carl Gogol
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
- [AT] Hay Rake
Greg Hass
- [AT] Hay Rake
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Joe's email?
- [AT] John Deere mechanic training program
James Peck
- [AT] Lev-L-All
James Peck
- [AT] Lev-L-All
James Peck
- [AT] Lev-L-All
James Peck
- [AT] Lindeman BO crawler hydraulics was Happy July 4th from Ferndale
- [AT] Lindeman BO crawler hydraulics was Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] Lindeman BO crawler hydraulics was Happy July 4th from Ferndale
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] Lindeman BO crawler hydraulics was Happy July 4th from Ferndale
k7jdj at aol.com
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
bloomis at charter.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Brian VanDragt
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
szabelski at wildblue.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Mike M
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Gene Dotson
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Mike M
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Spencer Yost
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
szabelski at wildblue.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
szabelski at wildblue.net
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
John Hall
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
Moe Fretz
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
John Hall
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
James Peck
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Mike M
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Ralph Goff
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Phil Auten
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Steve W.
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
John Hall
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Mark Johnson
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Spencer Yost
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Phil Auten
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Phil Auten
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Mark Johnson
- [AT] List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? - - Frustrating spring/summer so far...
Roger Moffat
- [AT] mechanical power lift
James Peck
- [AT] mechanical power lift
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] mechanical power lift
jdnut at aol.com
- [AT] mechanical power lift
James Peck
- [AT] Mid-Western Industries Davis was Lev-L-All
James Peck
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other th
ustonThomas Mehrkam
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other th
ustonThomas Mehrkam
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Thomas Mehrkam
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Phil Auten
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Spencer Yost
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Bo Hinch
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Mike 1countryguy
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Phil Auten
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
James Peck
- [AT] New Shop to work on Antique Tractors among other things.
Phil Auten
- [AT] Next new list member....
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Next new list member....
pga2 at BasicISP.net
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Spencer Yost
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
bloomis at charter.net
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Ken Knierim
- [AT] not antique but tractor related.
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Steve W.
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Bo Hinch
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
ddeline at gmail.com
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Spencer Yost
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
k7jdj at aol.com
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Jim Becker
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Jim Becker
- [AT] OK, oddball question...
Stephen Offiler
- [AT] OT Computers and programs
James Peck
- [AT] OT Computers and programs
Dennis Johnson
- [AT] OT Computers and programs
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] OT don't take any Buffalo Nickels
James Peck
- [AT] OT don't take any Buffalo Nickels
James Peck
- [AT] OT don't take any Buffalo Nickels
Ralph Goff
- [AT] OT don't take any Buffalo Nickels
- [AT] OT MAPP gas for silver brazing
- [AT] OT MAPP gas for silver brazing
Dave Merchant
- [AT] OT MAPP gas for silver brazing
James Peck
- [AT] OT MAPP gas for silver brazing
James Peck
- [AT] OT MAPP gas for silver brazing RE: List quiet!! Everyone OK, or just waterlogged??? --> Lug bolts, JD A
- [AT] OT New welder
James Peck
- [AT] OT tractor repair in residential garages
James Peck
- [AT] OTTR John Deere mechanic training program
- [AT] OTTR John Deere mechanic training program
- [AT] OTTR John Deere mechanic training program
James Peck
- [AT] Portland, IN Show - Camping?
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Dennis Johnson
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Sewell, Steven
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Joe Hazewinkel
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Joe Hazewinkel
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Mike M
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Portland Tri-State camping
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Sad times
Greg Hass
- [AT] Sad times
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Sad times
Kenneth Gene Waugh
- [AT] Sad times
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Sad times
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Sad times
Spencer Yost
- [AT] Sad times
Henry Miller
- [AT] Sad times
Kyle Sands
- [AT] Sad times
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] Sad times
Kenneth Gene Waugh
- [AT] Sad times
Mike M
- [AT] Sad times
John Hall
- [AT] scale model tractors
- [AT] Stuck tranny JD Model B
Bruce Roen
- [AT] Stuck tranny JD Model B
deanvp at att.net
- [AT] Stuck tranny JD Model B
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Stuck tranny JD Model B
Robert Holtzer
- [AT] Stuck tranny JD Model B (Robert Holtzer)
- [AT] tractor relationships
James Peck
- [AT] tractor relationships
John Hall
- [AT] tractor relationships
Indiana Robinson
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
James Peck
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
John Hall
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
farmallgray at aol.com
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
James Peck
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
James Peck
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
Jim Becker
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
Ralph Goff
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
Bruce Fallon
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
bradloomis at charter.net
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
ustonThomas Mehrkam
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
farmallgray at aol.com
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
farmallgray at aol.com
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
Grant Brians
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
- [AT] tractor repair in residential garages
James Peck
- [AT] training within Industry in WW2 tractor factories
James Peck
Last message date:
Wed Jul 31 20:57:34 PDT 2019
Archived on: Tue Aug 16 12:54:31 PDT 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).