[AT] Fighter escort for old iron
Ken Knierim
ken.knierim at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 07:14:14 PDT 2019
I had the hummingbirds and something like barn swallows escorting me on my
morning run. If you can see the birds it's light enough that the bats have
retired. The gnats gather along the irrigation canal in clouds when the sun
is coming up and everyone gets a good breakfast. Gotta run with your mouth
shielded or you do too.
Tractor reference: there's a dairy I run by that has an old Belarus they
don't use anymore. I keep thinking about Cecil when I see it... they're
usually feeding when I am out in the morning. It's about the last dairy in
this area as it's building out fast. They might hold on a little longer
since they are a few hundred feet off the end of the runway at Chandler
Airport. Not a good place for houses... but someone will put something
there. Land prices have passed "crazy" and gone straight to "stupid".
Ken in AZ
On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 9:04 PM Indiana Robinson <robinson46176 at gmail.com>
> I have not seen any purple martins right here for quite a few years but a
> son-in-law saw a few about a week ago while mowing. Like you mention Gene
> the Amish about 8 to 10 miles east of here have poles full of martin houses
> all over. We have a herd of the long tail barn swallows here and a smaller
> number of chimney swifts. We normally never see cliff swallows here but
> maybe 30 years ago we had one nest (a very distinctive nest) up under the
> lower edge of a barn roof. Have never seen another here since. I have seen
> a lot of them out west. When I see their nest it makes me think of a tea
> pot. :-)
> Even more fun than watching the barn swallows zipping all around the mower
> is watching them skimming low and hitting the cats when they walk across
> the barn lot. :-)
> .
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 11:40 PM partzpicker at yahoo.com <
> partzpicker at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I get barn swallows when I mow. They nest about a quarter mile away in
>> an unused shed at the neighbors. I think they've learned to associate the
>> sound of a mower with dinner!
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:11 PM, Aaron Dickinson
>> <a_dickinson at att.net> wrote:
>> I could have used the escort today, too hot out for the birds but not the
>> bugs.
>> Aaron Dickinson
>> Mason, Michigan
>> *From: *Spencer Yost
>> *Sent: *Thursday, July 25, 2019 10:52 PM
>> *To: *at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> *Subject: *[AT] Fighter escort for old iron
>> While mowing today the swift’s were out in full force. I call them my
>> fighter escort. It’s hard to get a picture of all of them at once, but I
>> had 20 to 30 swifts saving me from all the evil bugs in the field that the
>> haybine was kicking up. It amazing how close they are willing to get to me
>> and how acrobatic they are. It’s one of my favorite parts of mowing. They
>> keep me entertained. I have one circled but there a few more in the pic
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> --
> Francis Robinson
> aka "farmer"
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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