[AT] Sad times
Ralph Goff
alfg at sasktel.net
Wed Jul 24 18:43:40 PDT 2019
On 7/24/2019 7:30 PM, Cecil Bearden wrote:
> Same thing here in Western OK... I talked to a fellow who grew up in
> SE Missouri from the Army Corps of Engineers back in about 2005 or
> so... He said when he left to go to Korea with the U S Army, he had
> verbally commit ted to buying a 1/4 section and was going to come back
> and farm. 3 years later when he returned, he could no longer afford
> the land and it took 6 or 7, 1/4 sections to make a living. He went
> to work for the Corps... It has only gotten worse year by year.
> Americans do not realize how little of their paycheck goes for food
> compared to the rest of the world. I won't go on, it would probably
> get political. It makes me so sad because I wanted to be a farmer
> since I was 8yrs old. I remember laying in the middle of the living
> room floor looking at the new Progressive Farmer Mag and drooling
> over the new Allis Chalmers D21, and going to the State Fair and
> sitting in the cab of a new 2470 Case 4WD. I finally bought one 6
> years ago and just need to change the tires and wheels...
> Now I sit here with Ice on my knee & ankle due to tripping over a
> stick in the grass while feeding the horses... If you guys heard a
> loud noise coming from OK about 2pm yesterday, it was me when I
> tripped and ended up sitting on my ankle with my bad knee bent farther
> than it has for a few years.............. This is the lowest
> temperature on record this week and here I sit with Ice!!!!!!!!
> Cecil
> I won't say I feel your pain Cecil, but maybe a little. After a good
> workout swinging various hammers removing that haybine axle yesterday
> I am feeling some muscle pain for sure.
The new axle will go back together easier.
Ralph in Sask.
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