[AT] OT don't take any Buffalo Nickels
steveallen855 at centurytel.net
Mon Jul 8 09:16:43 PDT 2019
"British" is correct: the Act of Union created the United Kingdom, not Britain. Technically, English is incorrect much past 1066 ;-)
The "original" Steve Allen
----- Original Message -----
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2019 11:17:29 +0000
From: James Peck <jamesgpeck at hotmail.com>
In my thirties, I was told of some of my family roots in the Nieuw Nederland colony. After the joint English/American forces invaded and took that colony over, it became English speaking. This was before the Act of Union so the term British would be incorrect. Some used their new citizenship to move into other American colonies. I do not know of any treaty guaranteeing any Dutch linguistic rights.
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