[AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
deanvp at att.net
deanvp at att.net
Sat Jul 6 16:19:59 PDT 2019
Brain, has given you good info on the differences between the BO and BR. There are a few more differences and that being the fenders and exhaust options along with the louvers over the two filler tubes for gasoline and over the air intake. The exhaust pipe was run out the side or back to keep the protrusions above the hood at a minimum. On a BR both all stuck up above the hood and would get in the way in an orchard work environment.. These BR was an "All Fuel" tractor so there were two fuel filler tubes and a intake pipe and an exhaust pipe all sticking up to catch branches etc. The BO tried to ameliorate the BR's shortcomings in an orchard environment. We won't mention that the operator's head was higher than any of these protrusions. So the Tool bar would fit equally on a BR or BO they were one and the same tractor with only slight unrelated to the toolbar changes to adapt to the orchard needs
Dean VP
Snohomish, WA 98290
-----Original Message-----
From: AT <at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com> On Behalf Of Brian VanDragt
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2019 8:37 AM
To: Antique Tractor Email Discussion Group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: Re: [AT] Happy July 4th from Ferndale
The Lindeman hydraulic tool bar was made for their BO crawlers and they also made a version for Caterpillar crawlers. There were a few BR crawlers made and the tool bar would work on them also because the only difference between the BO crawler and BR crawler is it's serial number and maybe the hood. The tool bar would not work on a wheeled BR or BO because it attaches to the track frame. The tool bar can be mounted on the front of the crawler to carry a blade, or the rear of the crawler for tillage tools.
Brian VanDragt
> On July 5, 2019 at 11:26 AM James Peck <jamesgpeck at hotmail.com> wrote:
> My question was whether a Lindemann tool bar would have been available for a John Deere BR. I cant tell from this Lindemann link.
> http://lindemanarchives.com/lindeman-archives-history/
> [John Maxwell, Ferndale, CA] List members, Happy July 4 from Ferndale. This picture is from a year ago, that was in the web section of the Eureka newspaper. Not sure where the "stunning" comes from, but it makes it down our main drag. Tractor pretty much looks the same this year. Lots of parades in this little town of 1500. The big one being the "Lighted Tractor Parade" a little before Christmas.
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