July 2010 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Jul 1 04:42:44 PDT 2010
Ending: Sat Jul 31 23:39:38 PDT 2010
Messages: 587
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use related to farming - was fuel problems get expensive - perspectives and reactions
Grant Brians
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
farmallgray at aol.com
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
- [Farmall] Paint for a Mower Deck
Roger Moffat
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
Dave Maynard
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Paint for a Mower Deck
Ben Weldon
- [Farmall] Farmall Digest, Vol 75, Issue 1
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use related to farming - was fuel problems get expensive - perspectives and reactions
Cecil Bearden
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use related to farming - was fuel problems get expensive - perspectives and reactions
john hall
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] Paint for a Mower Deck
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use relatedto farming - was fuel problems get expensive -perspectives and reactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use relatedto farming - was fuel problems get expensive -perspectives and reactions
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use related to farming - was fuel problems get expensive - perspectives and reactions
David Bruce
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use related to farming - was fuel problems get expensive - perspectives and reactions
Len Rugen
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
Guy Fay
- [Farmall] Farmall Cub belt pulley
Jim Becker
- [AT] Coating for grass mowers
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Rob Murphy is Out of the Office
Rob P. Murphy
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use relatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive -perspectives andreactions
Al Jones
- [Farmall] Rob Murphy is Out of the Office
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land userelatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive-perspectives andreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] allis chalmers B or C
Recentjester at aol.com
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land userelatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive-perspectives andreactions
David Rotigel
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land userelatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive-perspectives andreactions
Phil Vorwerk
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land userelatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive-perspectives andreactions
David Rotigel
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land use relatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive -perspectives andreactions
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of land userelatedtofarming - was fuel problems get expensive-perspectives andreactions
charlie hill
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of landuserelatedtofarming - was fuel problems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
Al Jones
- [AT] Coating for grass mowers
Dick Day
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion oflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectives andreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of landuserelatedtofarming - was fuel problems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
David Rotigel
- [Farmall] Coating for grass mowers
E. John Puckett
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of landuserelatedtofarming - was fuel problems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
john hall
- [Farmall] Coating for grass mowers
Vern Evans
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion oflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuelproblems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
Al Jones
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion of landuserelatedtofarming - was fuel problems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
Al Jones
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuelproblems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion
Al Jones
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuelproblems getexpensive-perspectives andreactions
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussion
charlie hill
- [AT] Farmer are you hiding in there somewhere?
charlie hill
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
David Rotigel
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
Herbert Metz
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
- [Farmall] Coating for grass mowers
Barney Van De Weert
- [Farmall] Sheared & rusted out lug bolts...
Greg Holmes
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
- [Farmall] Sheared & rusted out lug bolts...
E. John Puckett
- [AT] Real farmers problems -adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming -wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Coating for grass mowers
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Spam> Re: Real farmers problems -adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming -wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
Cecil Bearden
- [Farmall] Sheared & rusted out lug bolts...
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems - adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
john hall
- [AT] Real farmers problems- adiscussionoflanduserelatedtofarming- wasfuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/3 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 7/3 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/3 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Sheared & rusted out lug bolts...
Barney Van De Weert
- [Farmall] Sheared & rusted out lug bolts...
Roger Showers
- [AT] Farmer are you hiding in there somewhere?
David Bruce
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] Farmer are you hiding in there somewhere?
charlie hill
- [AT] Fairy Tale ending? The JD 60O
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Fairy Tale ending? The JD 60O
charlie hill
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
john hall
- [AT] Fairy Tale ending? The JD 60O
john hall
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
David Rotigel
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Ivan Cousins
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
David Bruce
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Doug Tallman
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Ivan Cousins
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Doug Hale
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Frank Morrow
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Battery Question
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Ed Greany
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Ivan Cousins
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Battery Question
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Ed Greany
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Bill Bruer
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
john hall
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
john hall
- [Farmall] Combine
Tim Savelle
- [Farmall] Battery Question
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Combine
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Battery Question
Ed Greany
- [Farmall] Old hay rake
Richard BROWN
- [Farmall] Combine
john hall
- [Farmall] Old hay rake
john hall
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Doug Tallman
- [Farmall] Combine
Bob Schleyer
- [Farmall] Combine
Bob Schleyer
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Ivan Cousins
- [Farmall] Combine
Tim Savelle
- [Farmall] Wobbly front end on H
Tim Savelle
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
jahaze at aol.com
- [Farmall] Wobbly front end on H
- [Farmall] Combine
john hall
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Dean VP
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Wobbly front end on H
L W Schnell
- [Farmall] Wobbly front end on H
Robert L. Holtzer
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Steve Sewell
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Lesharo or Phasar owners ?
Ivan Cousins
- [Farmall] Coating for grass mowers
szabelsk at gdls.com
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Recentjester at aol.com
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
E. John Puckett
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
szabelsk at gdls.com
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Wobbly front end on H
Barney Van De Weert
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Doug Tallman
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
Barney Van De Weert
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [Farmall] [AT] Super A Carb Leak
farmallgray at aol.com
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Dean VP
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
Best, George
- [Farmall] Coating for grass mowers
Bob Currie
- [AT] Real farmers problems - a discussionoflanduserelatedtofarming - was fuel problemsgetexpensive-perspectivesandreactions
charlie hill
- [AT] Empire tractor - switching thread to a tractor topic ;-)
Best, George
- [Farmall] Combine
Al Jones
- [AT] SE Old Thresher's Reunion--Denton NC
Al Jones
- [AT] Eicher Tractor parts anyone?
Mark Greer
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Dean VP
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Dean VP
- [Farmall] Part numbers
Bob Currie
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Mark Greer
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Mark Greer
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Will Powell
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
South Mountain Pharmacy
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
Barney Van De Weert
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Len Rugen
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Ken Knierim
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
rdhaskell at juno.com
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
drupert at seanet.com
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Dean VP
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
Robert L. Holtzer
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Bill Brueck
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
Paul Waugh
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [AT] [Farmall] Super A Carb Leak
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
David Rotigel
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
E. John Puckett
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Paul Waugh
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
Paul Waugh
- [AT] Super A Carb Leak
charlie hill
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
john hall
- [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Jim Becker
- [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Farmall H Carburator Adjustment
stubb02 at aol.com
- [Farmall] Farmall H Carburator Adjustment
Robert L. Holtzer
- [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
- [Farmall] Farmall H Carburator Adjustment
Kathy Frick
- [Farmall] Farmall H Carburator Adjustment
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Fw: How to call the police when you are old Old but still funny
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Fw: How to call the police when you are old Old but still funny
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
john hall
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Paul Waugh
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Rotigel
- [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
David Rotigel
- [AT] Snap rings
mpnc282 at juno.com
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
mpnc282 at juno.com
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Snap rings
Doug Tallman
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
charlie hill
- [AT] Snap rings
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] Snap rings
mpnc282 at juno.com
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
mpnc282 at juno.com
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
David Rotigel
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Snap rings
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
john hall
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Al Jones
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
Charlie V
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
H. L. Staples
- [AT] Snap rings
Ken Knierim
- [Farmall] request
David Davis
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [Ford-ferguson] Deer Lake Hills Farm
Jack Tractor
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [Farmall] request
Jim Becker
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
John Wilkens
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
Charlie V
- [Farmall] request
Richard BROWN
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
Charlie V
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [Ford-ferguson] Replacing upper radiator hose on 2N Ford-Ferguson
C.J. Wilhelmi
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related / now heat
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
charlie hill
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
tmehrkam at sbcglobal.net
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto should now crank easy with the starter
Dave Maynard
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto should now crank easy with the starter
- [Ford-ferguson] Replacing upper radiator hose on 2N Ford-Ferguson
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [Farmall] "surging" SuperC
slikdik at earthlink.net
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Bob Schleyer
- [Farmall] "surging" SuperC
- [Ford-ferguson] Replacing upper radiator hose on 2N Ford-Ferguson
Indiana Robinson
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
john hall
- [Farmall] request
john hall
- [Farmall] "surging" SuperC
john hall
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
john hall
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Ford-ferguson] Replacing upper radiator hose on 2N Ford-Ferguson
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] Off topic but tractor related
charlie hill
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
Charlie V
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
farmallgray at aol.com
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
Barney Van De Weert
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] "surging" SuperC
Dave Maynard
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
toma at risingnet.net
- [Ford-ferguson] Replacing upper radiator hose on 2N Ford-Ferguson
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
David Bruce
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] M magneto
William Ransom
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Bo Hinch
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
charlie hill
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
- [Farmall] M magneto
oldiron62 at gmail.com
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
David Bruce
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
charlie hill
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
Barney Van De Weert
- [Ford-ferguson] Off topic VACATION
RBGIBB111 at aol.com
- [Farmall] International A shifting lever problems
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] M magneto
john hall
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
john hall
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
charlie hill
- [Farmall] M magneto
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
David Bruce
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
Charlie V
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Al Jones
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County/ Good shows
Gene Dotson
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
charlie hill
- [AT] Off topic VACATION
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] OFF TOPIC, need some mechanical advice
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
Gene Dotson
- [AT] OFF TOPIC, need some mechanical advice
Doug Tallman
- [AT] PTO driven corn binder
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
charlie hill
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
David Trompower
- [AT] OFF TOPIC, need some mechanical advice
pga2 at BasicISP.net
- [AT] OFF TOPIC, need some mechanical advice
Ivan Cousins
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [Farmall] M magneto
Robert L. Holtzer
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Jim Becker
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County/ Good shows
H. L. Staples
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
- [AT] OFF TOPIC Pea Crops
john hall
- [AT] On the sawmill in Darke County
john hall
- [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Dave Maynard
- [AT] On the sawmill, now ice cream freezers
Herbert Metz
- [AT] On the sawmill, now ice cream freezers
john hall
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Ivan Cousins
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Dean Vinson
- [Farmall] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
- [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
drupert at seanet.com
- [Farmall] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Roberto Rivero
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Tim Savelle
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Barney Van De Weert
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
tmehrkam at sbcglobal.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
- [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
drupert at seanet.com
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Thomas O Mehrkam
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Ivan Cousins
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Barney Van De Weert
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Paul Waugh
- [AT] [Farmall] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
- [Farmall] [AT] Farmall Super M, Stage II, question down in the weeds
Roberto Rivero
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
charlie hill
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Robert Luscomb
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
john hall
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
charlie hill
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
Larry Goss
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Roger Showers
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
farmallgray at aol.com
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Roger Showers
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Bob Currie
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/17 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 7/17 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/17 Lancaster Faming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Bob Currie
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
John Dunlap
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Doug Tallman
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Ken Knierim
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
Gene Dotson
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
Gene Dotson
- [AT] OT question for Portland gang
charlie hill
- [AT] IH baler needles needed
Herbert Metz
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Tommy Wilson
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Tommy Wilson
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Ronald L. Cook
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Thomas O Mehrkam
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Chuck Bealke
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
Roger Showers
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
ebony51 at frontiernet.net
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
fayguyma at execpc.com
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
fayguyma at execpc.com
- [Farmall] Gas in Farmall M
William Ransom
- [Farmall] Gas in Farmall M
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Gas in Farmall M
Thomas O Mehrkam
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Chuck Bealke
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Al Jones
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
john hall
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Mike Schmudlach
- [Farmall] Sta-Bil
John G
- [AT] Old roller style bearings
H. L. Staples
- [Farmall] Gas in Farmall M
dan-0001 at comcast.net
- [Farmall] Gas in Farmall M
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
john hall
- [AT] OT B-29: Frozen in Time
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Guy Fay
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Mike Schmudlach
- [AT] OT B-29: Frozen in Time
Dave Merchant
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Bob Currie
- [AT] OT B-29: Frozen in Time
Richard Fink Sr
- [AT] OT B-29: Frozen in Time
Will Powell
- [AT] Super A Throttle Adjustment
Ben Wagner
- [AT] OT B-29: Frozen in Time
Dave Merchant
- [Farmall] Super A Throttle Adjustment
Dave Maynard
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
john hall
- [Ford-ferguson] 2010 FENA Show
Jack Tractor
- [AT] Antique truck resource question that might apply to modern as well
Grant Brians
- [AT] Allis HD5 engine problem
Grant Brians
- [Farmall] Farmall Digest, Vol 75, Issue 20
- [AT] Antique truck resource question that might apply to modern as well
Bo Hinch
- [AT] Antique truck resource question that might apply to modern as well
Frank Vantacich
- [Farmall] Farmall Digest, Vol 75, Issue 20
- [AT] Antique truck resource question that might apply to modern as well
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Allis HD5 engine problem
Cecil Bearden
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Aaron Dickinson
- [Farmall] New Archives Webpage
Roger Moffat
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Don Bowen
- [AT] 1945 Farmall A with Exhaust Lift
Ben Wagner
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Don Bowen
- [AT] 39 farmall H
Bruce Moden
- [AT] 39 farmall H
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] 39 farmall H
Ronald L. Cook
- [AT] 39 farmall H
charlie hill
- [AT] 39 farmall H
Ron Cook
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Mike Sloane
- [AT] 39 farmall H
Len Rugen
- [AT] my 39 H
Bruce Moden
Ben Wagner
- [AT] my 39 H
Len Rugen
- [Farmall] 1945 Farmall A with Exhaust Lift
ski_joel_deere at hotmail.com
- [AT] 1945 Farmall A with Exhaust Lift
Paul Waugh
Jerry Rhodes
- [Farmall] TEST
Roberto Rivero
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Don Bowen
- [AT] [Fwd: Re: Back 40 dinner]
Doug Tallman
- [AT] [Fwd: Re: Back 40 dinner]
Paul Waugh
- [AT] diesel fuel
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] [Fwd: Re: Back 40 dinner]
Ivan Cousins
- [AT] diesel fuel
Guy Fay
- [AT] [Fwd: Re: Back 40 dinner]
Paul Waugh
- [AT] diesel fuel
charlie hill
- [AT] 39 farmall H
carl gogol
- [AT] Ford 6000
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 6000
Lew Best
- [Farmall] TEST
Kathy Frick
- [AT] Ford 6000
Dick Day
- [AT] diesel fuel
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Ford 6000
charlie hill
- [AT] Ford 6000
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] TEST
Mike Sloane
- [AT] Ford 6000
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 6000
K7jdj at aol.com
- [Farmall] 1945 Farmall A with Exhaust Lift
Dean Vinson
- [AT] Ford 6000
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 6000
charlie hill
- [AT] Ford 6000
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 6000
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 6000
Rob Wilson
- [AT] Ford 6000
Lew Best
- [AT] Ford 6000/now 9600
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 6000
- [AT] Ford 6000
Roebersauctions at aol.com
- [AT] Ford 6000/now 9600
Lew Best
- [AT] Ford 6000
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 6000/now 9600
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 6000
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Ford 6000
David Rotigel
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Grant Brians
- [AT] Ford 3000 SOS
Don Bowen
- [AT] way-WAY off topic Toyota vs. Toyoda???
Herbert Metz
- [AT] way-WAY off topic Toyota vs. Toyoda???
charlie hill
- [AT] diesel fuel
Mike 1countryguy
- [AT] OT firewood processing
Mattias Kessén
- [AT] CCL and tires
jahaze at aol.com
- [AT] CCL and tires
- [AT] CCL and tires
charlie hill
- [AT] CCL and tires
Gene Dotson
- [AT] CCL and tires
John Dunlap
- [AT] CCL and tires
charlie hill
- [AT] way-WAY off topic Toyota vs. Toyoda???
Cecil Bearden
- [AT] Yanmar 185D engine
Dennis Johnson
- [AT] AT Digest, Vol 77, Issue 25
Dennis Johnson
- [AT] Dinner at the Back Forty
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
The Allen Family
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
Paul Waugh
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
charlie hill
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
Frank Vantacich
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
- [AJD] Dinner at the Back Forty
Eileen Brazil
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
Larry Goss
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
Chuck Bealke
- [AT] Clutch Decision
Ben Wagner
- [AT] IH Archives Search Page
fayguyma at execpc.com
- [AT] IH Archives Search Page
fayguyma at execpc.com
- [AT] IH Archives Search page
fayguyma at execpc.com
- [AT] Clutch Decision
Paul Waugh
- [AT] Clutch Decision
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Clutch Decision
szabelsk at gdls.com
- [Farmall] Clutch Decision
Jim Becker
- [AT] Clutch Decision
charlie hill
- [AT] Clutch Decision
Ben Wagner
- [Farmall] Clutch Decision
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] Clutch Decision
Al Jones
- [AJD] Operator's manual for Two way integral plow, No 3, A3, B3, G3
John B
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
- [AT] USA in Color: 1939-1943
Larry Goss
- [AJD] Dinner at the Back Forty
Dean Vinson
- [Farmall] Clutch Decision
Jim Becker
- [AJD] Dinner at the Back Forty
Eileen Brazil
- [Farmall] dirt in hydraulic unit
- [Farmall] gasket question
John G
- [Farmall] dirt in hydraulic unit
Al Jones
- [AJD] Dinner at the Back Forty
Dean Vinson
- [Farmall] dirt in hydraulic unit
Jim Becker
- [Farmall] IHC Garand
Justin Weber
- [AT] Farmall 100 damage - final solution info
Grant Brians
- [Farmall] gasket question
farmallgray at aol.com
- [AT] Case DH front rim
Ken Knierim
- [AT] Case DH front rim
Ralph Goff
- [AT] Case DH front rim
Ken Knierim
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
- [Farmall] M generator belt and cutout relay
William Ransom
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
charlie hill
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
David Rotigel
- [Farmall] M generator belt and cutout relay
Robert L. Holtzer
- [Farmall] M generator belt and cutout relay
E. John Puckett
- [AT] Some ads from the 7/31 Lancaster Farming
Brian VanDragt
- [Farmall] M generator belt and cutout relay
Jim Becker
- [AT] IH Archives Search Page
Mattias Kessén
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 23:39:38 PDT 2010
Archived on: Tue Aug 16 12:37:27 PDT 2022
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