[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/10 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 10 14:31:24 PDT 2010
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox
Markets section 7/10/10 weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper. [my
comments, if any, are in brackets]
NI 706 diesel with 737 Husker and JD 444 Narrow Row Head Husker in
Excellent Shape, $6,200. No Sunday calls. Washington Co. MD 301-672-5290
[I didn't know that New Idea made a 706 diesel]
Parting out Oliver 550 gas, call with needs. Tioga Co. NY 570-537-3636
TD9 engine parts, cub belly mower complete, Allis WD45 diesel engine
parts Lehigh Co. PA 610-760-9501
Tractor Fergerson 30 runs good w/5’ rotor mower and 2 bottom plow.
Super C Farmall quick hitch, good shape, both 1955?? Harford Co. MD
410-273-7996, leave message.
770 Oliver narrow front, power steering, good condition. Bradford
County, PA. (570) 673-3322.
AC Tractor CA with loader, new paint, chains, snow blade, new generator,
fresh tune-up runs good $1,900. Must sell. Worth $2,500. Lancaster Co.
PA 717-786-1296
Antique Ford Ferguson System 9N tractor, good shape, runs good, good
metal, $3,000. or Best Offer. Bradford Co. PA 570-744-1206
CAT 931 runs, needs help 6.V8 $3,850. Oliver 1650 gas wide front needs
dist. $2,450. Farmall M stuck $900. 1989 Dodge 3/4 4x4 doesn’t run
$900. Woods 10’ Bush Hog 800 small trailer sprayer $125 Elec. pallet
sack 350 site pump. Adams Co. MD 717-359-7774
Moline 445 Brick Layer Tractor, excellent motor, good tires $2,000. MM
445 Row Crop Tractor $1,200. Ford 9N Tractor, runs PTO 3 pt. straight
$1,100. Lancaster Co. PA 610-593-6481
John Deere M tractor restored, excellent condition $3,800/obo. Hunterdon
Co. NJ 908-638-6744
JohnDeere 400 project tractor needs restored $850 ..JD 48 backhoe &
mounts for 4600 tractor $3000 ..fisher 8ft plow $400 chester Co. PA 610
486 6631
John Deere B 1938 unstyled tractor, restored, looks great, new block,
head, rings, paint,decals. $6,000 .black smith leg vise $75. Lancaster
Co. PA 717 653-5879
JD tractor 1010 RUS 35 HP runs great $3,500. 1010 U Industrial tractor
with loader, recent paint record radiator rebuilt trans runs great
$5,500. Centre Co. PA 570-263-4174
JD 60 PS 3 pt. with Kelly Loader $3,400. Schuylkill Co. PA 570-809-0643
JD 60 power steering, 3pt, original paint $3,500. Cambria Co. PA
JD 3020 diesel, NF, SR, 2 remotes, rebuilt engine, inj. pump, runs ex
$6,500/obo. Hoover wagon, 8x8x18 w/NH running gear$170/obo. Fulton Co.
PA 717-262-3154
J.D. #1050 3pt hitch kit complete,nice, & painted $750.00. CAT D3B
dozer, painted, runs well. J.D. #755 track loader, needs starter. Make
offers! Lehigh County, Co. PA 484-505-8828
Gallion road grader, good mech cond, tires good, has cab with heater
#104 12’ blade $2,500. Hunterdon Co. NJ 908-500-5941
International 544 Diesel, 3pt., narrow front, exc. sheet metal, good
overall condition, $4800 York Co. PA 717-434-3104
International 3444 diesel backhoe, used on my farm very little. Lehigh
Co. PA 610-393-6225
For Sale: 1969 Ford 5000 tractor ROPS, suitcase weights, one new tire
15.5x38 rubber, 2 owner, excellent condition $7,000. OBO. Oneida Co. NY
Fordson Super Major, Fordson Major, Fordson Dexta, all run and operate,
all in original condition $2,600/ea. Adams Co. PA 717-359-0076
Fairbanks Morris 10 H.P. rebored mag rings, wristpins easy start on cart
Fairbanks 6 H.P. clutch mag, runs good, Best Offer. Adams Co. PA
Farmall #300 tractor with IH #2100 loader, fast hitch, three remotes,
live PTO, nice tin, rums good $2,500. Connecticut Co. CT 203-623-2956
Farmall 656D Hydro good hydro NF F/H tires 90% 7500 hours, nice cond.
$5,000. 2 Sets Farmall Rear Wheel Weights for A, B, BN, etc. $90.00 Set.
Carroll Co. MD 410-374-2372
Farmall A, good tin, tank, radiator, tires, front weights, rear weights,
motor locked, $650. Fulton Co. PA 717-573-4157
Farmall BN tractor with Custom Boom and Sawbuck, Must see to appreciate,
$950; Oak Grindstone, Custom Built, good condition, $150. Berks Co. PA
Farmall Cub with Belly Mower $1,500. 4 Elector Ind. Motors, 3PH, Volts
230-460. 3 H.P. Make Offer. Bucks Co. PA 215-598-7669
Economy Gas Engine 3 1/2 HP complete with mag, needs paint, $600.
Throttle Governor. Bucks Co. PA 215-932-2052
3 cylinder 4000 Ford Diesel, Standard Shift with rear and front weights,
7 ft. front push blade $6,200. New 3 pt. 5 Wheel Hay Rake $1,075. pto 7
ft. Tedder $1,100. Union Co. PA 570-524-2408
2 - 1949 Farmall Cub’s with complete cultivators and fresh paint. Both
Run great and look great. Ready for work.Delivery available.Your Choice
$2850.00 Lancaster Co. PA 717 951 3849
1955 Ford 600 Tractor, restored professionally, all original, new tires
front & rear, looks new, runs new, less than 2,500 hrs. Pics Available.
$4,500. Chester Co. PA 610-827-1503
1939 John Deere H restored, all new tires, single bottom plow, runs good
$4,500/obo. Washington Co. MD 301-582-1599
1941 McCormick Deering tractor. PTO, wheel weights, strong running,
recent tune-up, good tires, photos available, trades considered. $875.00
Chains available $100.00 Potter Co. PA 814 228-3916
1950 Farmall Cub with Woods Model 59 Belly Mower, shed kept, used
regularly $2,000. Fulton Co. PA 717-294-3436
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