[Farmall] cub j4 magneto
Jim Becker
jim.becker at verizon.net
Wed Jul 7 20:57:36 PDT 2010
Do EXACTLY as John said and your timing will end up right back where it is
now. Don't take any shortcuts.
Jim Becker
From: "john hall" <jtchall at nc.rr.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:34 PM
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: Re: [Farmall] cub j4 magneto
> Assuming you'll pull the mag off, fix it an put it right back on here is
> what I would do. Hand crank the engine and stop just as soon as you hear
> the
> impulse click. Pull the cap and mark where the rotor is relative to the
> mag.
> Then make two precise marks to show alignment between the magneto frame
> and
> the engine. Pull the mag and fix it, line up the rotor, line up the
> magneto
> to the engine and you are ready to go.
> There are only two rules:
> 1) make sure the marks are something you can see and that won't wipe off.
> 2) do not turn the engine.
> For safety's sake I try not to hand crank an engine that has had the mag
> removed until I know it is in time. Use the starter or tow it.
> John Hall
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