[AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu Jul 8 10:00:29 PDT 2010
Yep that one looks like a basket case. My hat is off to you for attempting
to fix it.
I never considered casting a flywheel but you have all you need to make the
mold so I guess it's doable.
From: "Rupert" <rwenig2 at xplornet.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:46 AM
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: Re: [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
> Hello Charlie,
> I haven't looked around for a flywheel yet. I'll cast one if I have to
> but I will have to build a larger furnace first.
> The IHC Famous I have is in worse condition
> <http://users.xplornet.com/~rwenig/My%20engines/IHC%20Famous/Famous.jpg>
> Note the top of the hopper and the flywheel. Crank is bent too. Having
> trouble getting the head off and the piston is seized.
> Both will run again if I have enough time left.
> Rupert
> On 7/8/2010 4:52 AM, charlie hill wrote:
>> Thanks Rupert. It really looks pretty good except for that one flywheel.
>> Have you got a source for another flywheel? Looks like a nice project!
>> Charlie
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Rupert"<rwenig2 at xplornet.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:40 PM
>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion
>> group"<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Subject: [AT] OT: MH engine: was Re: Stuck clutch JD 60
>>> Hello charlie,
>>> I changed the subject line to OT as this is a tractor group.
>>> I posted a few pictures the way I got the engine at
>>> <http://users.xplornet.com/~rwenig/My%20engines/massey-Harris/>. the
>>> breaks on the flywheel appear to be recent so I figure they broke it
>>> pulling the engine out of the ground. I got the engine for father's day
>>> from my son-in-law. He says I get the magneto when this part of the
>>> engine is ready to run. :-) The rest of the missing parts- rocker arm
>>> etc. are in the hopper.
>>> Rupert
>>> On 7/7/2010 5:12 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>>>> That's wild Rupert. I'd love to see a picture of it just the way it
>>>> came
>>>> out of the ground.
>>>> Charlie
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "Rupert"<rwenig2 at xplornet.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:18 PM
>>>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion
>>>> group"<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Stuck clutch JD 60
>>>>> Good idea. I just acquired a 1 1/2HP MH engine that has been buried in
>>>>> the ground. I figure to pressure wash the dirt and crude off before I
>>>>> bring it inside. Surprisingly, the wood base is still intact. I think
>>>>> more damage was done by those who pulled it out of the ground.
>>>>> I don't know how long it has been buried as the owners who found it
>>>>> say
>>>>> they didn't bury it and they owned the land for 50 years. The engine
>>>>> worked it's way to the surface where the lawn mower could hit it.
>>>>> Rupert
>>>>> On 7/7/2010 11:03 AM, rdhaskell at juno.com wrote:
>>>>>> The grease gun trick works well, but is expensive if you use new
>>>>>> grease,
>>>>>> and is messy. I have used water with great success, made an adaptor
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> hooked up my pressure washer. Just a couple of quick shots and the
>>>>>> piston was free. Easy clean up.
>>>>>> Ron Haskell
>>>>>> rdhaskell at juno.com
>>>>>> Riverside, California USA
>>>>>> http://picasaweb.google.com/RonHaskell
>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 10:03:32 -0600 Rupert<rwenig2 at xplornet.com>
>>>>>> writes:
>>>>>>> That would take a pail of grease to fill one of those
>>>>>>> cylinders. Just a
>>>>>>> thought but would it work filling the cylinder first with oil and
>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> using a grease gun to build up the pressure? Inquiring mind wants to
>>>>>>> know as I have two small engines that have stuck pistons.
>>>>>>> Rupert
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>>>>> --
>>>>> yvt
>>>>> Rupert Wenig
>>>>> Camrose, Alberta, Canada.
>>>>> email: rwenig2 at xplornet.com
>>>>> http://users.xplornet.com/~rwenig/Home/
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>>> --
>>> yvt
>>> Rupert Wenig
>>> Camrose, Alberta, Canada.
>>> email: rwenig2 at xplornet.com
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> --
> yvt
> Rupert Wenig
> Camrose, Alberta, Canada.
> email: rwenig2 at xplornet.com
> http://users.xplornet.com/~rwenig/Home/
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