[AT] Some ads from the 7/17 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 17 15:22:26 PDT 2010
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox
Markets section 7/17/10 weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper. [my
comments, if any, are in brackets] (Again, sorry about the strange
characters, but that is the way they come to me.)
185 Lo-Boy with 5â mower Excellent, all manuals 700hrs., grass only,
Small est. Donât need plus IH102 with mower runs, drives. Senior needs
quick sale. BOTH $2,150. Delaware Co. PA 610-558-0356.
1946 Farmall A With L 59 belly mower new battery, rebuilt generator and
starter.$2200 if interested call (717)-600 09640 York Co. PA 717-600-0964
1946 Mack model EH runs and drives, need restoration, $3,000/obo. 580
Super E Case backhoe, 4WD w/extend-a-hoe, 4in1 bucket, amulet clamp
$12,000. Cecil Co. MD 443-350-7947
1949 Farmall Cub tractor Fresh pistons,rings rod
bearings.starter,generator rebilt.new wiring,new battery,head
planed.Includes Woods 42âbelly mower,sickle bar mower,field plow
discs,cultivators,snow blade,belt pully. $3500.00 Northumberland Co. PA
1949 Western Auto Wizard Pushmower, nice, original spins but wonât
quite start $85; Manco Go-Cart full rollcage 5hp Tecumseh hardly used
$595 obo. Berks Co. PA 610-413-6147
1951 Farmall Super A, primed, ready for paint, runs good, some extras
$1,800. 1962 Cub Cadet hydraulic lift creeper rear pto, headlights,
fenders, weights, attachments, $1,500. Lycoming Co. PA 570-435-2705
1953 John Deere Model 40 Aux. Hydraulics, runs good, nice paint, Serial
#60826, 3 pt., Asking $3,800. Carbon Co. PA 570-325-3391
1955 Farmall 400 power steering, goot TA, runs great $2,400/obo. WANTED:
feed bagger, 100 lb. cap. Berks Co. PA 610-683-1124, no Sunday calls.
1958 John Deere 620 tractor, restored, w/power steering, full, three
point original hitch, etc. $5,450. (Local Tractor). Cumberland Co. PA
717-249-2591 after 5 p.m. except Sunday.
1960? Ford 871 select-o-spd restored like new, rebuilt transmission with
updates, proff. paint job $6,500. Maxxum parking brake parts, activator
brake disks, ect. Cumberland Co. PA 717-776-4540
1966 JD 4020 gas 25hrs on rebuild w/paperwork very nice tractor $6500.
18.4/34 goodyears on double bevel rims 50% tread $500 Franklin Co. PA
1975 150 Cessema airplane, JD #1 mower redone. JD 41D, JD H, JD 37 spoke
wheel B WF50, WH2H, Jacobson reel mower, 21â 41B 420W Lancaster Co. PA
717-354-9928 or 203-9621 (cell).
Two 1943 Farmall H wheels in good condition with cletes. $400/ea/obo.
Luzerne Co. PA 570-379-3310
Restored Farmall H tractor, needs nothing, ready to show. Also White Oak
Lumber 2x6âs, 1x6âs, Rough cut, Dried 4 years inside. York Co. PA
Antique IH Freezer and 1 IH Refrigerator $400. for both. Berks Co. PA
Parting out JD A. Bs and Hs good parts at excellent prices. John Deere
620 for sale at excellent price in good mechanical condition. Cumberland
Co. PA 717-226-8333
Oliver OC6 Crawler, gas, runs & drives $2,900. Oliver 77 Row Crop, gas,
runs & drives $1,200. Oliver 77 Industrial $1,200. Reginald Kandizor,
P.O. Box 905, Augusta, W.V. 26704-0905. Hampshire Co. WV No Phone
Oliver 55 tractor, 3pt rear outlet, very nice condition, never used
hard, mostly snow plowing, good tin and rubber. Asking $3,200. Berks Co.
PA 484-797-3312 after 5PM
Old tractors 25-40 Rumely $25K and 8-16 Mogul IHC $35K. Call eve. 7-10.
Lancaster Co. PA 717-656-9570
Model G allis chalmers, sheet metal good, cultivators included.
$1000.00- Bolens simplicity garden tractor for restoration $100.00
gl46736 at gmail.com Kenton Co. De 302 653 9713
Mogul 1 HP Hit & Miss on cart York eng. Cart Maytag eng. Cockshutt 20
tractor runs good, like new. 1957 Chev 6 cyl. engine rebuilt. Lancaster
Co. PA 717-786-2796
MF-202 gas tractor and loader with 3 point hitch and PTO $2000.Ford 4500
diesel Backhoe starts right up loader and backhoe all work $4000/OBO.
Ocean Co. NJ 609-758-8976
Maytag motor single cyl. with original Maytag spark plug, fully
restored, runs great, $400. Firm. Berks Co. PA 610-683-7265
John Deere H 1940 starts easy runs great, like new rubber, nice paint
$3,800. Lanc. Co. PA 717-284-0591 ext 2
John Deere H runs, needs restored $1,700. Farmall A parts or restore
$700. John Deere 420 $1,800. Maytag engines $200. each. 1 1/2 Fairbanks
$750. Cape May Co. NJ 609-780-3782
John Deere Loader attachment - model 40. Fits 425/445/455 tractors.
Currently mounted on a 445. Very good condition. $2,575. Northampton Co.
PA (610) 533-5200
John Deere M 1949 reconditioned, repainted, looks good $3,250/or make
offer. Lancaster Co. PA 717-468-2629
John Deere 720 diesel, two cylinder, narrow front, single remote, no 3
pt., runs good $5,000. Lancaster Co. PA 717-445-0310, evenings.
John Deere 720 loader w/joystick control, fits most row crop series
tractors, 7â bucket, bale fork, exc. condition. Carroll Co. MD
John Deere 60 1953, power steering, new rear tires, power-trol. live
PTO, Sunday afternoon calls OK. $4,000. York Co. PA 717-324-7280
John Deere 6400 Cab 4x4 Power Quad, 7600 hrs., $22,000. JD 2 Row Corn
Head for 3950. Lancaster Co. PA 717-626-0034
John Deere 530 2 cyn, youth carriage w/rubber, KBA John Deere Disc, 14
house shutters from 1852, Aug. 21 Titus Weaver Public Auction Lancaster
Co. PA 717-445-7422
John Deere 40 U Tractor #62173 w/mod mount 47 sickle bar mower, new
tires power adjust rear wheels, original industrial yellow, looks good,
runs nice $3,750. Orange Co. Co. NY 845-778-7160
John Deere 320 $12,500; John Deere 80 $8,500; Ferguson 30 $2,200; Allis
Chalmers WD $1,250. Franklin Co. PA 717-532-2873
John Deere 350B track loader good cond. B.O.; 8 yr old Paint pony rides
& drives. Blair Co. 814-224-4252
John Deere âBâ All-fuel w/ starter. I use it on my farm. $2,000. 1
Feeder Steer Red Angus Mixed, has shots & wormed, 800#, $1.05 per pound.
York Co. PA 717-266-0678
John Deere âHâ restored, new tires, paint, 1940. Hand start. Sawed
Locust Posts. 11â Round Screen House w/Roof $50. Chester Co. PA
John Deere 1970s His/Hers 3 speed bikes ready to ride 1000.00 JD B
cultivators 100.00 50lb sausage stuffer 500.00 kawasaki 340 snowmobile
300.00 rea schuylkill Co. PA 1-570-345-0256
JD A 3 point, Rollamatic, needs tires, nice. JD H hydraulic, starter,
lights, nice. JD M Touch-0-matic, good rubber, live hydraulic, nice. All
tractors redone. A $2,800. H $3,000., M $3,000. Berks Co. PA 610-413-0331
JD 455 diesel 60â deck 23hp $3,750. Lancaster Co. PA 717-445-5474
JD 455 diesel all wheel steer, 54â mower deck, excellent cond. $5,000.
Lancaster Co. PA 717-335-3404 or 717-445-9469
JD 420T 1956, all green, started to restore with good tag, rims, matched
tires, pto, good working 3 pt. sway chains, dual touch-a-matic, runs
with good oil pressure $1,900. Tioga Co. PA 570-324-2821
JD 3010, gas N/F 55hp single remote, 3pth $3,500. JD front wts/5 pc.
$250. 3pth bale carrier $275. Steel rebar 14âx57-1/2âx36âC
$1,200/obo. Lancaster Co. PA 717-529-2457 betwee 6:30 and 7:00 PM
IH 706 tractor, new paint, loader, very nice $5,900. Showroom shelving
in good condition $25. 23.1-30 tractor tires $75. 18V Makita kit $500.
Beiler. Lancaster Co. PA 717-529-4066
Farmall M Tractor For Sale Good Condition $2000.00 0bo must go
717/669/4581 Chester Co. PA 717-669-4581
Farmall Super A $1,600, Farmall 340 high crop $2,500; MF 85 gas hi clear
w/loader; IH 3 pt. 2 pt. adapter, Farmall Super C parts. Warren Co. PA
IH wide front end, fits F-M thru IH 856, no welds, with hibs $950; MM
jet star 3 original condition, good! $3,800; F-300 torgue slipps, runs
good $1,850. Adams Co. PA 717-354-0076
IH 784 Diesel tractor, runs good, looks bad, $2,500. Zimmerman Hay
Tedder $675. NH Elevator $575. NH 55 Hay Rake $550. NH Galvinized
Gravity Bin $550. Lancaster Co. PA 717-475-3107
Farmall H runs good, good sheet metal $1,800. Farmall C restored, runs
good $2,400. Ford 2000 35HP runs good, recent paint $4,200. OBO for
each. Berkeley Co. WV 304-229-2395, 304-671-8554
Farmall H tractor with mtd. cultivator, will trade for Perfector harrow,
21 ft. field cultivator, Vibershank International. Lehigh Co. PA
Garden tractor collection Bolens, Cub, Allis C, Portercable, David
Bradley, Speedex, Panzer, Univator, Simplicity, Wheelhorse, Terratiger,
Economy, Sears, Pedal Boat, Schwinn Black Phantom, Hitmiss-Alamo,
McCormick, Leader. Lancaster Co. PA 717-629-9615
Gallion road grader, good mech cond., tires good $2,500, 10:00x20 tires
g/c mounted $50 ea. 4 drive, 1 steer. Hunterdon Co. NJ 908-500-5941
Ford 9N, very good condition, new brakes, new rear seats, new axle, 12
volt system, new starter, pto clutch, $2,150. or Best offer. Can
deliver. Juniata Co. PA 717-371-7029
Ford 9N, Ford 850, Ford 871, Ferguson T0-30, Farm-S-C, Farm-H,
Farm-M-PS, JD 520, Bolens 1050, 16â flatbed wagon, Oliver 3BT trailer
plow, JD 10â disk, White 348 plow, Sauder loader. Clinton Co. PA
570-726-6641 or 570-295-0477
Ford 9N tractor with front wheel weights, 12 volt starting system, new
front tires, very good tread on rear tires, extra parts $3,000. OBO.
Berks Co. PA 717-933-1483
Ford 800 runs good $3,150.; Wagner Loader with front pump for Ford
tractors $350. Complete mower deck for Kubota B9200, very good, $350.
#RC60-92H. York Co. PA 717-292-6292
Ford 5000 diesel SOS, VG cond $5,800. Lancaster Co. PA 717-872-5514
Ferguson 30, new paint, good rubber, new radiator, alternator, many new
parts, grooming mower, snow blade, tire chains, ready for shows, $3,500.
Firm. York Co. PA 717-235-0622
Farmall Super A with Woods L59 belly mower.new belt sharp blades Ready
for mowing. good hydro $2400 OBO Bradford Co. PA 570-888-5701
Farmall Cubs 1961 Restored 1954, 1953, 1965, 1959. Also parts and
attachments: sickle bar plows, cults, fast hitch, fast hitch disk,
plows, etc. Must Sell. Dauphin Co. PA 717-649-2493
Farmall F-20 loader bucket system, complete; Burch egg coolers 18,000
btuâs 1 ph. 230V; 18âx10â culvert pipe; Water/sludge pump 500 gpm
Gorman Rupp. Juniata Co. PA 717-694-3496
Farmall 560 $3,500; Oliver 770 3 point $3,500; Set of Farmall A
cultivators $400; 3 point loader $400; 95 Chevy S10 4x4 with cap $3,500.
Columbia Co. PA 570-394-9607
Farmall Cub w/ Belly Mower $2,500. Small Dog House $50. Farmall Cub
Cultivators. Ford Tr. 6â Work Cap. 2010 Chevy Tr. Tailgate $200.
Dauphin Co. PA 717-533-7345
Fairmont single cylinder engine on wooden cradle, good condition $550.
LB International, runs, $550. JD 1020 HU rebuilt motor new 13.6x36
tires, low hours on rebuild. Anne Arundel Co. MD 240-229-2643
Cat D4D crawler with blade, remote, hydraulics, for farm equipment,
undercarriage 75%, used on a farm $6,200. Lancaster Co. PA 717-445-9857
220-4 MF tractor, 31hp, 4x4, allied loader, curtis cab, runs good, 920
hrs, plow, cultivator $5,500. Rosco 1-ton roller, 11hp motor, runs good
$700. Lancaster Co. PA 717-278-4650
Allis WC motor apart, have all parts $400. Ferg. T030 w/loader,
runs/drives $2,000. Have Shurman backhoe to fit T030 $350. Farmall Cub,
runs/drives $1,000. Lehigh Co. 484-634-0992
Allis Chalmers B with power angle snow plow pto hyd. pump and chains
$1,300. OBO. 32â x 10 ft. alum. ramp $200. Lanc. Co. PA 717-529-1012
Allis Chalmers B, new radiator, front tires, paint decals, runs good,
has cultivator, drawbar, pto unit, electric start $1,400/obo. Berks Co.
PA 610-856-5043
AC-WD45, P-S, shed kept, local tractor, nice $1,500. Case 411B,
tricycle, loader, 3pth, C.O.M. call, AC/WC, 85% tires $900. Ferguson 35
Deluxe PS, V/nice. Lancaster Co. PA 717-786-0256
AC WD Farmall C, H, M all run $1,250/ea, $4,000 all. 48Ford 8N plows,
lift, boom, cultivator $3,000/obo. REstored, new rear tires. Fulton Co.
PA 301-991-9970
AC 185 Diesel new rear tires, runs good $6,500. Rare AC-C with single
front wheel, very nice, $2,800. AC parts and equip., Bâs, Câs, WC
and WD 45âs. York Co. PA 717-292-6292
656 Farm All McCormic Row Crop Gasoline, 1387.5 Hours $3,000 OBO. New
Holland Hay Tedder, Four Star, Model 154 $1,200 OBO. Chester Co. Co. PA
2 MM Moline tractors 445 motors OK $900. Ford 9N PTO, 3pt. brakes all
work $850. 240 Int. tractor with snow plow $1,600. Lancaster Co. PA
2 front tractor tires, Goodyear tubeless 9.5L15 $75. Farmall A, needs
restoring $500. Farmall B, fair condition $1,000. Berks Co. PA 610-944-0981
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