[Farmall] Cub Touch Control acting funny

E. John Puckett ejpuckett at centurytel.net
Wed Jun 1 20:14:46 PDT 2005

First thing is I would check the fluid level and burp it to get any air 
out of the system.  The jumping when trying to raise it a little is 
normal and is worse if you have the earlier version TC control.  
Rebuilding it and repalcing original oil with HYtran will sometiems help 
it, but will not ususally completely stop it.  There is a cub discussion 
forum on ATIS.net at http://www.atis.net/cgi-bin/FarmallCub.pl and 
another one at www.farmallcub.com

Nadzam, John [MCCUS] wrote:

>I have a question to ask the group,
>I have 51 cub that I got about two months ago with 42" woods belly mower.
>and it seems the touch control is acting a little 'odd'  I have never had a
>cub before, or played much with hydraulics so let me describe the problem.
>It has both a upper and lower stop for the touch control lever, and it
>always lifts the deck to the same upper position (and it is not hitting
>anything under the tractor)
>It always lowers smoothly but sometimes it lowers all the way to the ground
>and sometimes it seems to stop a little short.
>If I move the lever its full travel all way it will rise smoothly, but if I
>try and 'inch' the deck up I end up pulling it back quite a bit and the it
>tends to 'hop' up. but if the deck is up I can usually slowly lower it down
>the length of travel of the touch control lever.
>I read through the owners manual and it didn't give me any clues, I start on
>the blue ribbon service manual for the touch control tonight.
>any and all advice, stories, guesses, fixes, and comments welcome
>John NADZam
>51 M
>53 SH
>51 CUB 
>Farmall mailing list

another one of them
*.?-!.* cub owners

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