[AT] Big Cats and Old Linns

Chuck Bealke chuck.tractor at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 01:41:56 PDT 2022


Stumbled across two interesting articles that are easy reads when
poking around looking for info on an old machine in a museum.

The first is short and about an enterprising company that
partnered with Cat to extend the life of a BIG Cat D11N
by 20 years with a engine upgrade that passes the latest
California pollution laws. Some big money, weight and power 
are involved with that beast. (Would not want to get one stuck.🙂) 
https://www.constructionequipment.com/cat-d11-dozer-repower-doubles-machine-life <https://www.constructionequipment.com/cat-d11-dozer-repower-doubles-machine-life>

The second is longer but to me was more fun to read. It’s a
summary of the very colorful history of the Linn Halftrak
(or truck tractor). They were made from 1916 until 1948,
and changed hands many times before the company finally
went out of business in 1950. Talk about a LONG run!
That likely means they were very rugged and of high quality for 
the money compared to other options. They were mostly used in 
in cold, snowy places - particularly Northern US and Canada but also 
as far away as the Andes. FDR rode in one during a campaign.
http://www.coachbuilt.com/bui/l/linn_mfg/linn_mfg.htm <http://www.coachbuilt.com/bui/l/linn_mfg/linn_mfg.htm>

Chuck Bealke
Plano, TX

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