[AT] [OT How now rusty cow
Stephen Offiler
soffiler at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 03:29:59 PST 2020
EXACTLY. Great story, Warren. Your friend did a great job proving the
"Placebo Effect". Boils down to this: drivers who install (or have
knowledge of) supposed fuel-saving devices will subconsciously drive more
gingerly. Thanks for sharing.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 8:27 PM Mogrits <mogrits at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm late on this topic but can offer this: A friend is COO of a good sized
> trucking company. He monitors their fleet in realtime on flatscreen TVs and
> dives into minutiae of operating efficiencies looking for a penny a mile
> where he can. He had some iteration of these magnets installed on a
> percentage of their fleet and watched it for a while- I think 6 mos or so.
> Whatever vendor sold him this idea sold it on speculation, guaranteeing
> savings. (My friend is pretty shrewd).
> He told me the results were mixed but disappointing. The only trucks where
> they saw fuel savings were the trucks where they informed the drivers of
> the magnets. On the trucks where the drivers had no knowledge, it was
> business as usual.
> They did not buy more magnets and offered the return of the ones installed.
> Warren
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 11:00 AM Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
>> On 2020-02-06 9:18 a.m., Cecil Bearden wrote:
>> > As I remember, this was supposed to align the molecules due to their
>> > static charge. I remember discussing this with a fellow Ag Engineer
>> > at the time. We could not determine the correlation between static
>> > charge and magnetic charge. I think that was how the sham was
>> > developed. Very few people remember their high school chemistry and
>> > physics.
>> > Cecil
>> >
>> > On 2/6/2020 8:53 AM, szabelski at wildblue.net wrote:
>> >> The theory was that somehow the fuel passing through a magnetic field
>> >> burned better. Don’t know how fuel gets magnetized since it’s
>> >> non-magnetic. Even if it were to somehow change how the fuel
>> >> molecules were organized as a liquid, this wouldn’t matter once it
>> >> was vaporized through the carb.
>> >>
>> >> I remember seeing ads for add-on devices that you installed in the
>> >> fuel line to improve mileage. I believe these were circular magnets
>> >> in a small aluminum block. You installed it by cutting the fuel line
>> >> and clamping the device to the ends of the cut lines.
>> >>
>> >> I remember in the early seventies there was a seed treater using
>> >> magnets to improve the seed germination. I think it was just magnets
>> >> attached to the down spout of the drill fill so that the seed grain
>> >> passed
>> through the magnetic field on it's way into the seed box. Never heard
>> much more about it.
>> Ralph in Sask.
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