[AT] Statistics In Tractor Manufacturing Was Bicycle Program
Stephen Offiler
soffiler at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 13:51:45 PDT 2019
Mike M - that just happened to me yesterday! I've got a Gravely zero-turn
with Kawasaki V-twin that bent a pushrod at 306 hours (known issue,
easy-ish fix). It is sitting right now waiting for parts to arrive.
Yesterday, I was walking past and happened to look down and saw 600 and
something hours on the meter, which was odd but didn't quite register until
it clicked over another tenth digit while I was watching. That happens
once every 6 minutes, so I got real lucky to see it. I guess the key got
bumped somehow during disassembly Now, all the service reminders are
saying "CHG NOW". I'm doing engine oil and air filter now anyway, but
losing the service reminder on the hydro units bugs me. It added 337 hours
sitting still (divide by 24 to see how long I've been waiting for parts,
and therefore how long the grass is getting!). Since I'm not likely to
ever sell this machine, I don't really care that much about the fake hours.
Steve O.
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 4:09 PM Mike M <meulenms at gmx.com> wrote:
> I have a Scag zero turn that I bought new, I put about 350 hours on it
> over the course of several years. When I parked it this last fall, I
> accidentally left the key on, so when I went to start it this Spring I had
> 3500 hours on it. Fortunately my daughter works at the dealer so I was able
> to buy a new one.
> Mike M
> On 9/16/2019 2:42 PM, Spencer Yost wrote:
> New tractors have hours embedded in the computer. Replacement computers
> are easily spotted by the metadata in the computer. So for approximately
> the last 10-15 years we have a reliable indicator of usage or computer
> replacement/tampering on most models.
> However, being able to obtain the equipment and software necessary to read
> the computer is still a sticking point and at the heart of the right to
> repair lawsuits going around. These lawsuits are extending to other
> equipment and devices. So farmers were actually at the forefront of this
> movement.
> Ok fine print for the following:
> This is not a political statement. I absolutely positively never
> endorse any presidential candidate publicly on this list nor should the
> following be construed as support for the candidates mentioned. I only
> add the following statements and link as a way to let y’all know that our
> frustrations with equipment are being heard by some. Ok enough with the
> fine print:
> Elizabeth Warren added support for the right to repair movement as one of
> her written policy planks - To my knowledge the only one but the movement
> should grow to the point candidates probably won’t be able to ignore it. Here’s
> Warren’s policy paper on agriculture in general but in that she
> specifically mentions right to repair:
> https://medium.com/@teamwarren/leveling-the-playing-field-for-americas-family-farmers-823d1994f067
> I am watching the right to repair movement closely.
> Spencer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 16, 2019, at 10:29 AM, Al Jones <farmallsupera1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> No. If your tachometer goes bad, you get a new one with 0000.0 hours.
> Al
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 11:52 PM Cecil Bearden <crbearden at copper.net>
> wrote:
>> Probably not, and the mileage on the title of an auto or truck is
>> nothing that can be relied on... I used to be able to tell by the wear
>> on floorboards, rust, paint scratches etc if a trucks mileage was
>> right. Tractors are a different animal. Usually just change the tires
>> and if repainted, change the hoses and belts, new seat and cab interior
>> and it is a new tractor.
>> Cecil
>> On 9/15/2019 8:36 PM, Jack wrote:
>> > Tractors are not titled. Automobiles and trucks are. When you sell an
>> auto, you record the mileage at time of sale and your signature. Is it even
>> illegal to alter the hour meter on a tractor?
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: AT <at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com> On Behalf Of Cecil
>> Bearden
>> > Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2019 7:33 PM
>> > To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> > Subject: Re: [AT] Statistics In Tractor Manufacturing Was Bicycle
>> Program
>> >
>> > The New Holland Money Pit is what it is because somewhere in its
>> history the hour meter was turned back. New tires were installed and it
>> was made to look like a 5 yr old tractor with about 200 hrs per year.
>> > Cecil
>> >
>> > On 9/14/2019 10:26 AM, James Peck wrote:
>> >> Some years ago I did participate in an academic Statistical Quality
>> Control course. Much of the course involved the Weibull Distribution. If I
>> remember correctly, the Weibull Curve predicted the lifespan of a
>> manufactured assembly such as a tractor. It appears to be a gift from the
>> mathematicians.
>> >>
>> >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weibull_distribution
>> >>
>> >> The same distribution probably predicts that Cecil’s New Holland money
>> pit will continue to be so and will suffer an early demise.
>> >>
>> >> [Stephen Offiler] I never took a whole semester of Statistics.
>> Instead, we had a course called Engineering Experimentation, which was
>> heavy on experiment design and statistical data analysis. That gave me a
>> very good appreciation for the practical application of statistics. Out
>> in the real world, on-the-job training programs in quality control
>> principles in manufacturing (Deming, Juran, Lean Six Sigma) continued to
>> solidify the practical applications.
>> >>
>> >> [Cecil Bearden] Steve: I nearly flunked statistics I only passed
>> because I was a graduating senior. However, I did flunk Rocks & Clods 2124
>> and had to find another 4 hours to graduate. Then 35 years later I retire
>> as a Geotechnical engineer designing foundations. !!!
>> >>
>> >> [Stephen Offiler] I'm not sure if that is an interesting statistic, or
>> simply predictable statistically. All you just said is that a bell-curve
>> distribution for 2-year degrees overlaps a bell-curve distribution for
>> 4-year degrees.
>> >>
>> >> [ James Peck] The interesting statistic is that some technical 2 year
>> programs have higher starting incomes than many 4 year degree programs.
>> People who complete such a program can later take a 2+2 program to get a
>> four year degree if they choose.
>> >>
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