[AT] new duties

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 14:36:03 PDT 2017

> Barns are a whole other ball game...  :-)
> .

Rambling again...
A "barn" to me is a wooden farm building usually either timber frame,
balloon framed or I also include the small dairy barns that almost always
have a gambrel or cyclone roof around here. Many of those that are still
standing in good shape were built with the side walls and lower end walls
of concrete block. There used to be some big dairy farmers around here (but
not now) but in the 1930's 40's and 50's they built thousands of those
little dairy barns and most people only milked 10 to 20 cows in them. They
only made them as big as they did for hay storage space. Lots of farmers
and non farmers only milked 1 to 3 cows for personal use or "butter & egg"
money. Those folks often just had a small shed somewhere or one room in the
corner of a larger barn. Here in our little Central Indiana community we
probably milked as many as about anybody in this county. Milking was my
mothers enterprise and in the late 1940's and early 1950's she was usually
milking about 45 cows. Looking back we were not really all that well sat up
for it but neither were most of our neighbors. We also raised some beef
cattle and hogs. "Everybody" had chickens. I always thought we should
upgrade some but then at about age 14 we spent some time with some family
in southern Indiana and was flabbergasted. It was like stepping back into
the 1930's. They were really "chopping with the back of the ax"...
Very few cows in this county today. Probably more milking goats than cows.
We are coming full circle now. Once again all kinds of people have
chickens. It's a big fad. The difference is years ago they were for making
spending money. Now they are for spending money on.  :-)

I have about 20 acres of woods and a small Woodmizer band-saw mill so I
could put up a wooden barn pretty cheap. What I don't have enough of is
me... Not going to happen... But son Scott might do it. He wants a 40' x
40'. That sawmill only has a couple of hours on it...


> --
> --
> Francis Robinson
> aka "farmer"
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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