[AT] Test

Ron Cook ron at lakeport-1.com
Sun Dec 6 13:45:10 PST 2015

Just stay back from the edge, Charlie.  We don't want to lose you over 
the end of the earth.
Ron Cook
Salix, IA
On 12/6/2015 2:53 PM, charlie hill wrote:
> You're not as flat as I thought but it's hard to tell because
> you lens is foreshortening the distance and amplifying the
> hills and valleys.  Anyway, you can stand on the beach here
> or I suppose anywhere where you can't see land in the
> horizon and see that the horizon line is slightly bowed high
> in the center.  That is the curvature of the earth.  It's easier
> to see if you are elevated as in being on a 3rd story balcony
> of a beach house, etc.  It's easier to see on water because
> you can be relatively certain (notwithstanding what some folks
> say about rising sea levels) that the water in the ocean lays
> flat (except for the waves).   My comment about the rising sea
> levels is not intended to be political.  It's just something that
> came to mind.  I was talking to a guy who considers himself to
> be very smart and accomplished.  He told me the ocean level had
> risen something like 1.7 feet or something in the last 25 years.
> (those are made up numbers.  I don't remember exactly but that's in the ball
> park)
> I told him that I've lived here for 65 years and I know where the water
> level was
> on fixed objects then and now and that if there is any change at all it's
> only a very
> few inches.  He said, OH, it up north that I'm talking about.... up in the
> North Atlantic.
> I burst out laughing and my other friend sitting at the same table picked up
> his drink
> cup and tilted it from side to side looking at the level in the cup and
> laughing.
> So what I was doing was making a comment about folks that don't understand
> what they
> think they know and I'm sure that applies to me at times.
> Charlie

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