[AT] Gas problem now diesel

charlie hill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon May 6 12:23:28 PDT 2013

I've heard of doing that Ralph.   In fact, many years ago I had a friend
who sold tractor trailer trucks for a living.  I went with him once to
demonstrate a truck in a very rural area.  We were low on fuel and didn't 
enough to get back to where there was a truck stop or another source of 
All we could find was a country store that had kerosene.  Mike knew what to 
He had been told by his boss.  I forget the exact mix but for every so many 
of kerosene he added a quart of motor oil.  I want to say it was a quart of 
oil to 10
gallons of fuel.  The truck ran fine and if it damaged the engine I never 
heard about it.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Ralph Goff
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Gas problem now diesel

On 5/6/2013 11:12 AM, Mike wrote:
> You beat me to it Ron, what are you guys with older diesels doing with
> the ULSD that you have to buy now days? I have a circa 1974 Massey with
> a perkins that I'm sure wasn't designed for the new diesel. I've heard
> of guys adding 2 stroke oil to it but have not heard a ratio or
> anything. Mike M
No problems with my old diesels yet but just in case, lately I have been
dumping some oil in the tank when I fill up with fuel. No measure, just
by guess and golly. It has certainly helped use up most of the odd left
over containers of oil. I've used two stroke oil, type A transmission,
motor oil, pretty much any clean oil I have on hand. Time will tell if
it works I guess.

Ralph in Sask.

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