[Farmall] Restoration

Jerry Bossard jerry.bossard at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 07:25:15 PDT 2011

E. John,

Thanks for the information.  I've driven it for about 2 hours and had the
PTO running a sickle mower for about 30 minutes and so far no problems, but
I suppose that may not be enough time to find all the leaks.  Does anyone
have an estimated cost for a tractor to be disassembled, blasted and
painted.  I'd like to have it done by the 4th of July for a parade, but am I
asking for something that cannot be done?  Any idea the amount of hours to
complete this project if someone is a DIY?


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:09 AM, E. John Puckett
<ejpuckett at centurytel.net>wrote:

> First off, if it were mine:  I would drive it and use it some to see
> what it needs.  getting one all pretty up, etc. and then realizing you
> have an oil or fuel seep is real discouraging.  Likewise for a coolant
> leak.
> If the paint looks good, it is most assuredly not original, but still
> may be old enough to be lead paint, so any sanding, blasting, etc. needs
> preparation to control the dust and keep it out of your lungs.
> Blasting, whether it be sand or soda is not a good idea for anything
> that is assembled.  The dust and particles will get into openings you do
> not realize or even there, and will work into seals etc. causing
> premature oil leaks and bearing wear.
> Powder coating an entire tractor is not practical, powder coat requires
> the item to be baked for several minutes, which is not practical on an
> entire tractor.  You can get the original color form you local Case/IH
> dealer or most paint shops can mix it for you.
> On 4/25/2011 9:49 PM, Jerry Bossard wrote:
> > I have a 1942 H with good paint but there are areas where the paint
> > has chipped off and now metal it exposed.  I just recently purchased
> > this tractor so I don't have much history, but I do know that it was
> > parked in a shed when not in use, even if it was only for an over
> > night.  There is little rust but I would like to make it parade ready.
> > I'm new to tractor restorations so any help would be appreciated.  I
> > am quite a DIY type of person.
> >
> > Should I soda blast it to start over or just try to buff out the edges
> > and repaint?  I'd rather not sand blast because of all the damage it
> > does to the metal.  If the paint is original it will most likely be
> > lead paint?  If so, will soda blasting even take it off or will I have
> > no choice but to sand blast?
> >
> > Secondly, when it comes to painting, do I powder coat it?  Should I
> > spray it on?  What type of paint would you suggest?  Would an exterior
> > "Rustoleum" product work or is that not a good idea.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jerry
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> --
> Edgar John Puckett
> 10142 Mahagony Rd.
> Potosi, Mo. 63664
> 573-438-2799
> mobil 573-210-0061
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