[Farmall] Restoration

E. John Puckett ejpuckett at centurytel.net
Tue Apr 26 07:09:19 PDT 2011

First off, if it were mine:  I would drive it and use it some to see 
what it needs.  getting one all pretty up, etc. and then realizing you 
have an oil or fuel seep is real discouraging.  Likewise for a coolant 

If the paint looks good, it is most assuredly not original, but still 
may be old enough to be lead paint, so any sanding, blasting, etc. needs 
preparation to control the dust and keep it out of your lungs.  
Blasting, whether it be sand or soda is not a good idea for anything 
that is assembled.  The dust and particles will get into openings you do 
not realize or even there, and will work into seals etc. causing 
premature oil leaks and bearing wear.

Powder coating an entire tractor is not practical, powder coat requires 
the item to be baked for several minutes, which is not practical on an 
entire tractor.  You can get the original color form you local Case/IH 
dealer or most paint shops can mix it for you.

On 4/25/2011 9:49 PM, Jerry Bossard wrote:
> I have a 1942 H with good paint but there are areas where the paint
> has chipped off and now metal it exposed.  I just recently purchased
> this tractor so I don't have much history, but I do know that it was
> parked in a shed when not in use, even if it was only for an over
> night.  There is little rust but I would like to make it parade ready.
> I'm new to tractor restorations so any help would be appreciated.  I
> am quite a DIY type of person.
> Should I soda blast it to start over or just try to buff out the edges
> and repaint?  I'd rather not sand blast because of all the damage it
> does to the metal.  If the paint is original it will most likely be
> lead paint?  If so, will soda blasting even take it off or will I have
> no choice but to sand blast?
> Secondly, when it comes to painting, do I powder coat it?  Should I
> spray it on?  What type of paint would you suggest?  Would an exterior
> "Rustoleum" product work or is that not a good idea.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
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Edgar John Puckett
10142 Mahagony Rd.
Potosi, Mo. 63664
mobil 573-210-0061

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