[Farmall] Looking for Super A contacts/parts sources/advice, etc

Dale flya737 at aol.com
Tue Sep 21 10:54:26 PDT 2010

Hi, all!  Since I finished my '55 Cub rebuild ("Bertha"), I was looking for either another Cub or Super A to keep me out of trouble for a while!  Realized I actually had fun doing the restoration, enjoy seeing her look so good, and still let her do the mowing on our 10 acres (followed by a good bath, of course!).  
I found a Super A (waiting to get the serial # to find the year) yesterday, and bought it.  Now I am looking for a good source for all the things I will need to clean him up, make a few repairs and get advice.  I got spoiled with all the Cub resources, including manuals online.  Is there a similar source for the SA Service and Parts Manuals online?  Anyone here an expert on the SA?  
He, "Bubba", is being delivered tomorrow (9/22), so I don't know much about him, but he has a 3-point conversion, cultivators on the back, and will have a belly mower under him.  I only saw a few items I think I will need in the way of parts:  Pedal guard, steering wheel, possibly seat (molded cushion torn), air cleaner cap and breather cap (both are a bit squashed), and am looking for a bush mower for the 3-point hitch, if anyone knows of where I can get that (cheap). 
This winter I plan on tearing him down for a check and cosmetic work:  straighten grill dings, replace a few seals, etc, then repaint and new decals.  I know I will be looking for someone to answer questions as I get into it.  I am in Chapel Hill, NC, so if there is anyone in this area, let me know.  I'll also need some manuals, either online for free, or if they are not available, then to purchase.
Thanks for any help.
Dale Finch

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