[AT] Ralph, do you only have one enormous field in Canada?

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Sun Aug 22 20:37:36 PDT 2010

Rupert, its true there are some areas in Sask. that resemble those pics in 
the link you posted. But here where I live in east central Sask. its more in 
the parkland area with lots of rolling topography and bushes. Just 20 miles 
to the south is one of the best tourist/camping, fishing, etc spots . Just 
search Fort Qu'appelle .

Ralph in Sask.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rupert" <rwenig2 at xplornet.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Ralph, do you only have one enormous field in Canada?

Hello Ralph,
I had visions of a much different landscape of Sask. :-) The country
side around here is much like the picture you posted. The visions I had
were more like those on this link
or tiny url: <http://tiny.cc/vdtmr>. I found the pictures by googling.
There are a lot of other interesting scenery pictures at
if anyone wants to spend time looking around Sask.
I can remember stories by my late father-in-law about pulling a large
plow across the prairie for a couple of hours with a steam tractor
before they had to lift the plow to turn around. He talked of just
plowing those poplar groves down. Wish I had seen that.


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