[AT] tractor vacation
Paul Waugh
pwaugh at embarqmail.com
Sun Jun 21 18:47:38 PDT 2009
A nice story, some thing Farmer used to do. I don't know where he went? ken,
thanks for sharing.
Paul - IN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Knierim" <ken.knierim at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:58 PM
Subject: [AT] tractor vacation
> Hi,
> I just got back from a rather heavy vacation of tractor-related
> stuff. I haven't had enough time with my hobbies lately and I may have
> gone a little overboard. At the risk of boring everyone...
> I drove to Montana to visit my folks and picked up a wide front axle
> for my 1940 Case DH I'm restoring. I drove in the "new-to-me" '97
> Dodge Cummins-powered 2500 extended cab longbed I mentioned earlier on
> this list. I'm happy with the truck as well; thanks for all the
> recommendations. Gobs of power and averaged 20-24 MPG.
> Now that I have the axle I need to find a set of tires and rims as
> what I've got isn't going to work. If anyone has some 16" rims that
> will fit a Case D series and is willing to part with them, please let
> me know. The fella I got the axle from also volunteered to let me see
> the Memke (sp?) collection if we got some more time. That sounds like
> it would take a day for that alone and we didn't have the time this
> time around.
> While I was in Montana I got a chance to visit the big JD collection
> in Wolf Point. Well worth the time. A link for those unfamiliar:
> http://www.travelmt.com/mt_sites_10099_John+Deere+Tractor+Museum.html
> Along the way I got a chance to visit a number of different local
> museums and checked out a number of the old tractors and such they
> have in them. Too many to list but all very interesting. Then I got a
> chance to help Dad overhaul his "new" (to him) JD round baler. It was
> my first shot at wrenching on a round baler; we put new belts on it
> and overhauled the pickup head for it. Thought there was going to be
> trouble because I'm not real good with green paint but the baler
> didn't seem to mind.
> My cousin blew up one of his tractors (Case 1070?) while I was in the
> neighborhood. Apparently he got distracted while changing the oil and
> apparently didn't get the oil plug in tight. He had it on a grain
> auger and it didn't fare very well. Farming 3000 acres, raising 2
> kids, some hogs and some cattle and working as an engineer on the
> railroad (which probably pays enough to permit the farming hobby)
> spread him out a bit too much. Ouch!
> I also got a chance to introduce my nephew to hunting gophers. They
> are destroying the landscape on Dad's farm real bad. It was good to
> introduce a young lad to a .22 and see him become proficient and
> confident with it.
> Between my nephew, my daughter, my Mom and Dad we also put a new steel
> roof on one of the barns... and completed it just in time for a shower
> to test our work. Everyone got a good sense of accomplishment that
> day.
> Now that I'm back home I'm not ready for work just yet. Been working
> with my better half on a visit to Indiana in August. She's from around
> Richmond and we're going to be there for a family reunion for a week.
> I've asked if I could get a kitchen pass and sneak out to that little
> show in Portland. We head to Indiana on the 21st and come back on the
> 29th; I saw something indicating the show might be the 26th to the
> 30th of August. Is this correct? I'm not sure we're going to be there
> the correct week but I'm eternally hopeful. And I would really like to
> meet some of the folks from this list at this event.... I've been
> hearing about it for long enough and now the little one is old enough
> to travel and get a big dose of tractors. :)
> Ken in AZ
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