[AT] Melting it all down.(copper is the new gold)

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Thu Jul 17 21:36:47 PDT 2008

charlie hill wrote:
> I had my scanner turned on yesterday.  A lady called the Sheriffs dept to 
> report her car stolen from a garage that was supposed to be working on it. 
> A few minutes later the dispatcher called the deputy again and said she just 
> got an anonymous call from another woman that said "that car has already 
> been crushed" and hung up.
> Of course any of you guys that own land know that anything on it that hasn't 
> been moved in the past week is free for the taking .... right?  Just the 
> same as any thing the metal detector guys find on your place.  They take 
> anything they want and leave their trash, car tires, limbs and leaves and 
> get mad if you say anything about it.
> I'm on my soap box now and this is a good time to say this when I'm not 
> talking about anything that anyone on the list has posted.  Every now and 
> then I hear folks on this list and other places talk about the good things 
> they find in old barns and in fence rows in the back of fields.  I've got 
> news for you fellows.  It doesn't matter if the stuff has been there for 100 
> years if it's out of sight from the highway and you see it and know about it 
> you have been tresspassing unless you asked permission to go onto the land 
> and if you take any of it you are stealing.  Just something to think about.
> Charlie

We don't really have that problem here. Of course if I happen to notice 
someone poking around the place and stealing things I'll be happy to 
allow them to take some lead home... they may have to have it separated 
out of their body but it will be free!!

I have been cleaning up most of the iron and scrap out of the shop, 
cleaned up all the old tires last month and am now breaking down some of 
the spare engines I have. Most of them were blown up anyway. Aluminum, 
cast and steel are worth more clean.

Steve Williams

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