[AT] Spam> OT: now pheasant

CEE VILL cvee60 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 9 05:38:13 PST 2008

> From: nysports at frontiernet.net
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 18:57:08 -0500
> Subject: Re: [AT] Speaking of propane:-: Methane
> Charlie -
> Officials running the country today are largely from urban/suburban 
> "estates" and probably wouldn't know a Holstein from an Angus. I wonder how 
> many millions of dollars of taxpayers' money went into those methane study 
> grants given out by the EPA?
> I just learned today that the NYSDEC is closing the state's lone DEC 
> pheasant rearing facility -- Reynolds Game Farm -- in Ithaca as part of the 
> budget shaving. Looks like the NY ring-necked pheasant will be on the 
> "endangered species" list soon. I'll miss seeing those thunderous flushes 
> and hearing those rooster cackling, say nothing about how good they taste on 
> the table.

The Ring-neck in our area have been few and far between for 10 or more years, Bob.  In my younger years, Pheasant hunting used to be my favorite.  Far more action than deer hunting and a treat to see a good bird dog at work.  Our birds now are only in small clusters where gun clubs have stocked or on paid hunting preserves.  I may see one a year or hear one crow otherwise. The abundant agriculture in the Lake plain counties was a haven for these birds. The NYSDEC attitude is that stocked birds are only for the gun since most do not survive  long term in the wild.  Well golly gee, it seems like sportsman pay their fair share in NY.   Foxes and hawks look like the chosen priority now.

Charlie V.

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