[Steam-engine] Richard Rorvig Memorial Service

Francis Orr steam.boat at verizon.net
Fri May 18 09:47:55 PDT 2007

Some few of you will know or have heard of Richard Rorvig of Rothsay, Mn. He
was very active in the Mn. Steam Engine Assn. working hard to initiate and
control legislation affecting the steam hobby. He was also a very effective
writter on the subject. Richard passed away in Arizona just before
Christmas. On 5 May, some 200 people braved 65 mph winds and torrential
rains to attend a memorial service for him in the Nelson Building at the
Rollag show grounds. A friend of Richard's for 37 years, I want to thank
those of you who were able to make the service in that weather. The hobby
will feel the loss of Richard Rorvig.
Francis A. Orr

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