[AT] OT: Gas story
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Wed Jul 4 19:07:43 PDT 2007
Ken, Walt DOES think the world is flat. That's why no one can explain
anything else to him.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Knierim" <ken.knierim at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT: Gas story
> Ron,
> Average ground temp in central Arizona is over 80 degrees and higher
> than that right now. Outside temp is better than 115 degrees as I type
> this. Pumps are calibrated at 60 degrees according to federal
> standards but the ground doesn't care; no temp regulation exists.
> Solids, liquids and gases usually expand when heated, right? Do you
> THINK there might be a LITTLE expansion in the fuel with that kind of
> heat? Do you know the coefficient of expansion for petrochemicals or
> more specifically, gasoline? Some quick research shows it's close to
> 4X that of mercury:
> http://dev.physicslab.org/Document.aspx?doctype=3&filename=ThermalPhysics_ThermalExpansion.xml
> With all due respect, there IS a difference due to temperature. Now
> whether you'll notice it with a vehicle is another story, but claiming
> it doesn't exist is like saying the earth is flat. You might not be
> able to see it (or electrons, for that matter) but claiming it's bull
> isn't very open-minded.
> Ken in AZ
> On 7/4/07, RonMyers at wildblue.net <RonMyers at wildblue.net> wrote:
>> George,
>> The temperature at the point where the underground tanks are stored is on
>> average 55 deg. No matter what part of the country that you live in.
>> North south east or west . this is set by the government regulations. so
>> it really doesn't matter where you get it from.
>> In almost all states the meters on the pumps are tested to guarantee
>> their
>> accuracy so this whole bunch of Bull is just that a bunch of Bull.
>> You a full gallon of gas at each station or the government will come down
>> hard on the owners.
>> Ron
>> > Some folks completely miss the point. It's the temperature of the gas
>> > when
>> > it's metered through the gas pump at the station that makes the
>> > difference.
>> > The gas that's expanded because it's warmer when it's measured and sold
>> > is
>> > the point. You're paying for slightly more than you're actually
>> > getting.
>> > I
>> > doubt the difference that's claimed is as large as stated, but there's
>> > a
>> > difference anyway.
>> >
>> > George Willer
>> >
>> >> Subject: Re: [AT] OT: Gas story
>> >>
>> >> When you put the cold fuel in your hot tank sitting in the sun
>> >> alongside
>> >> the Mack doesn't it get warmer.
>> >> I can't believe that anybody would believe that the temperature of the
>> >> fuel would make difference. If its gasoline its preheated before it go
>> >> into the Carb. If its diesel it preheated in the manifold same as fuel
>> >> injected cars.
>> >>
>> >> Ron
>> >
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