[AT] For the steamer guys(now JD 65)

Greg Hass gkhass at avci.net
Fri Feb 16 10:56:38 PST 2007

My brother used to own a pull type equal to a JD 45 self propelled. He 
pulled it with a IH 584 (52 hp.) ; I pull an IH 82 with a 574, same power. 
With both machines, belts would slip long before you ran out of power. 
Width of cut can also be misleading. Many years ago at John Deere days they 
were pushing 25 ft. headers for their combines. In our area we just 
couldn't see how that could be as a 10 or 12 foot swath was all a baler 
could handle. We later came to realize that in the dryland areas wheat 
might only run 10 bushels per acre so the amount of material in the machine 
at any given time was not all that great. Now days the new combines with 35 
ft. headers can handle huge amounts of grain. We have a neighbor who always 
bragged how many acres his machine would do in a day. One time we drove 
past some of his fields and saw that he was cutting so high that at the 
furrows he wasn't even cutting the heads off the wheat. That explained 
that. Right or wrong we have always cut our grain low. My dad always said 
he would rather go a little slower and take a little more power than have 
to clip the field to get the straw.
Greg Hass

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