David Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Mon Dec 17 17:02:39 PST 2007

Hi farmer, Why not simply put a GFI breaker in EVERY one of the  
circuits in your entry box and be done with it?

David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net

On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Francis Robinson wrote:

>     One more thing about GFCI's is that if you install one at the  
> first
> outlet in a string of several outlets all of the others on down- 
> line are
> supposedly protected.
>     I have been (slowly) adding some to my wiring for places other  
> than
> outside outlets and bathroom circuits. I have never had one trip  
> yet other
> than by pushing the test button so they are not a problem at all as  
> far as I
> can tell. I need to add one ahead of an extension cord that pulls  
> out 100
> feet and then winds back in with a crank into a net basket. It is  
> used often
> at the back door of the shop and is constantly used with hand held  
> power
> tools (drills, small grinders etc.) and at times under kind of wet
> conditions.
>     I have a large grinder on a stand that has the motor mounted in  
> the base
> below that "might" have a problem with a GFCI. I blow it out now  
> and then
> but I know it has a lot of steel grinding dust drifting inside of it.
>     I figure that the GFCI's are pretty cheap and if I can add the
> protection by just adding one as the first outlet in a string that  
> it is
> cheap insurance. I have been zapped a number of times over many  
> years and I
> can't recall ever enjoying it...   :-)
> --
> "farmer"

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