[Ford-ferguson] 9n hyds
Chris Britton
c.britton at worldnet.att.net
Mon May 8 12:00:55 PDT 2006
>Thanks Mike...so my tractor is more than likely either older or perhaps
>a 2N? I will say this much...I can read a serial number on the rear axle
>and it does start with a 2N.
There is no sn on the rear axle.. only date codes.
the sn is lightly hand stamped on the engine block, left side, just aft of
the oil filter housing, just below the head, on a 1x4 flattened boss. ALL
9n and 2n serial numbers start with 9N
>From: "Hill, Damon" <DHill at sioc.com>
>Hello to all! I have, what I believe is a 1947 Ford 9N tractor, that was
As mentioned.. if it is a 47.. it is a 2n
> I am unable to locate the serial number on it. So it's a bit
>of a mystery.
How did you date it without the sn?
> We have recently had problems with the hydraulics.
>Basically it won't lift anymore. Now we have priced some pumps, thinking
>that's what it is. However does anyone have any suggestions about what
>it could be? If it is the pump would anybody have any suggestions on where
>to buy used parts? Or perhaps rebuilt parts? Any help would be greatly
>appreciated to keep this American Classic going.
I'd pull the side cover on the right side with the dipstick in it.. and
operate the lift with a load on it, and see if there is oil coming from the
hyd cyl mouth, or spraying out anywhere.. like from under the cyl, or fromt
he right front corner ( hyd stand pipe _).. or if there is oil spraying from
side covers on the pump or it's casting.. or any swirrling under the
fork/valve where the relief valve is.
Could be anything from a sticky control valve.. to a leaky relief valve.. to
a completely worn out pump.. blown gasket, or bad rings on the hyd cyl..
Post back with more details or for more info. Total time to disassemble
linkage, remove seat, pull lift cover, pull pto shaft, drain sump, drop
pump, reseal/gasket parts, clean sump/pump add new parts, and button back
together and drive outta the garage is about 9 hours... involves no rocket
science.. and only uses about 2 wrenches or sockets, a gasket scraper, and a
torque wrench.
The control fork needs to be spread and removed fromt he valve -BEFORE- you
pull the top cover... if it has not come off already from sticking.
I did my 8n hyds section about a year ago.. very similar setup.. cost me
about 100$ in parts and i added a naa piston .. but kept my old hyd cyl.. if
you change out the cyl.. bump that to about 200$.. assuming no 'hard' parts
inthe pump are broke.
Parts can be picked up new from www.ytmag.com .. somenew and used from
www.just8ns.com and used from john smith at www.8nford.com ( he
sometimes has complete lift covers and pumps.. ) I've bought parts from
all f these places with absolutely very few issues.
I would suggest you get an I&T fo-4 manual before you attempt this.
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