[Farmall] Farmall H

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 11:59:42 PST 2005

So anyway...should I buy the $1200 H or leave it alone. I won't be plowing anything but snow with it. 8-).

"E. John Puckett" <ejpuckett at centurytel.net> wrote:  I also grew up on a farm using H tractors.  One had the high compression 
kit, 3 sets of wheel weights, plus fluid in the rear tires.  we pulled 2 
16s with it in the Mo. clay and sod.  the other had the standard engine, 
one set of weights, and no fluid.  We pulled 2 14s with it.

CDHORN at aol.com wrote:

>I grew up on an H pulling a 2-16 bottom plow. I had to use 2nd or 3rd gear  
>depending on the soil.  If I dropped it into virgin slough bottom, it  would 
>need to go to low, but then there was a lot of wheel slippage.  I  think rating 
>it as a 3 bottom is a little optimistic unless you are using  it in sandy 
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another one of them
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