[AJD] My apologies to the List and Melanie

greg at theoldtractorcompany.com greg at theoldtractorcompany.com
Fri Feb 11 19:03:27 PST 2005

A few further comments if I might-

I now strongly suspect my initial suspicions were correct Dean as sometimes what gets said can 
prove to be far more important than initially thought.

Although supposed to be off list, here we go again with pricing protests? Come on. Everyone 
catches a deal on Ebay or at a local auction, that's what makes it fun. First it's Polk and now 
Sharp's? I can only imagine what's been said about me but I honestly could care less. Used 
parts for me is easy. I have 300 tractors but sell little or no used parts,end of story. It 
takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to offer decent used parts. The Sharp's do and 
must set their prices where they feel they need to be to make a reasonble profit. $200 levers 
are great profit centers but let's face it, the law of averages applies. You win some and you 
lose some. Try to buy 300 parts tractors today. It can't be done. The important thing is that 
at the end of the day you have to show a fair profit to be able to keep the doors open. 
Overhead and investment in product and facilities play a very important part in this as 
everyone is well aware.
I have never EVER found the Sharp's to be anything but honest, friendly, and more than 
hardworking people who go above and beyond and are making their living at this, not playing at 
it as a hobby or a diversion. I don't know too many other vendors who can be reached at their 
business often before 7 am and after 10 at night. I also know for a fact that a website is a 
tremendous undertaking, just take a look at my miserable excuse for a site-4 years old and just 
now finally getting an update, and I imagine they feel that the actual product development and 
availibility for their customers is more important than getting some slick pics on a site. The 
site will follow in time.

As I've said before, I've been in this game nearly 27 years and I've seen them come and I've 
seen them go. My money's on Melanie. 

I normally stay as far out of this type of exchange as much as possible but felt I had to speak 
Ban me, tar and feather me, or ride me out of town on a rail, I felt it had to be said.

'Nuff said.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming


Greg Stephen
The Old Tractor Company
Stephen Equipment Company
PO Box 709
Franktown, CO 80116
303-468-0377 FAX<<--GREAT WAY TO REACH ME!

On Fri Feb 11 20:01 , 'Dean VP' <deanvp at att.net> sent:

>I have sent a message to the public ATIS JD list that was never intended to
>be a public message and for that I apologize to the list and to Melanie. It
>was intended to be a private message. I was greatly disturbed by the
>messages that occurred today, on the list, and my intent was to release some
>of that frustration privately. Well I messed up. There is no excuse. I
>sincerely apologize to all parties. 
>Dean A. Van Peursem
>Snohomish, WA 98290
>I'm a walking storeroom of facts..... I've just lost the key to the
>storeroom door 
>Antique-johndeere mailing list

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