[AT] new computer help request

Robert Brooks rbrooks at hvc.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 19:03:00 PST 2004


I'd check and see if that particular release of AutoCAd LT was compatible 
with Win 98 before trying the upgrade.

Of course you could try to load it on another machine with the version of 
windows you want to use and see if it works.


At 08:55 PM 3/17/04 -0500, you wrote:
>To begin with, this IS tractor-related !
>In order to convert/enlarge my two-car garage shop into a bigger shop with at
>least one high bay area, I need to play around with a lot of possible
>I began sketching etc, but the erasing and stuff got to be a pain every time
>another possibility was tried.
>As luck would have it, a friend gave me an IBM PS/2 56 stc computer (old, but
>at least it has a Pentium chip) a year or two ago when he moved away.
>The good news is that it is already loaded with AutoCad LT, which even though
>it is an early version (release date 11/16/93) still has a lot of power for
>my building projects, and also for my machined (tractor, garden tractor 
>and old
>truck) replacement part designs.
>The bad news is that it is currently loaded with Windows 3.1 which is a lot
>less easy to use than the windows 98 on my "daily driver".
>In addition, it has AOL 3.0, so an upgrade there would be a nice thing too.
>So, my question is: can I load Win98 (I have the floppies ) without having to
>re-install the AutoCad    LT ?
>I do have the Autocad floppies which my friend gave me along with the
>computer, but I don't know whether he transferred the license to another 
>although I kind of doubt it, since he said that he never could get the 
>hang of
>using it.
>But I can't be sure and also can't check it out with him, since he retired to
>Fla and went native with no phone listing, etc.
>Any suggestions?
>Bruce Thompson
>AT mailing list

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