[AT] new computer help request

pga2 at hot1.net pga2 at hot1.net
Thu Mar 18 05:31:15 PST 2004

1: No you can't load Win98 without reloading Autocad LT.
2: Check everything for a license key on the Autocad. since it is such
   an old copy, it may not require a key, but I doubt that. If you have
   the manuals, the key may be either printed or hand written in one of
   the manuals.
If you can't find a key for the Autocad, I'd just use it like it is until
after you've finalized your design, then try to reload.


> To begin with, this IS tractor-related !
> In order to convert/enlarge my two-car garage shop into a bigger shop
> with at  least one high bay area, I need to play around with a lot of
> possible  configurations/variations.
> I began sketching etc, but the erasing and stuff got to be a pain every
> time  another possibility was tried.
> As luck would have it, a friend gave me an IBM PS/2 56 stc computer
> (old, but  at least it has a Pentium chip) a year or two ago when he
> moved away. The good news is that it is already loaded with AutoCad LT,
> which even though  it is an early version (release date 11/16/93) still
> has a lot of power for  my building projects, and also for my machined
> (tractor, garden tractor and old  truck) replacement part designs.
> The bad news is that it is currently loaded with Windows 3.1 which is a
> lot  less easy to use than the windows 98 on my "daily driver".
> In addition, it has AOL 3.0, so an upgrade there would be a nice thing
> too. So, my question is: can I load Win98 (I have the floppies ) without
> having to  re-install the AutoCad    LT ?
> I do have the Autocad floppies which my friend gave me along with the
> computer, but I don't know whether he transferred the license to another
> machine,  although I kind of doubt it, since he said that he never could
> get the hang of  using it.
> But I can't be sure and also can't check it out with him, since he
> retired to  Fla and went native with no phone listing, etc.
> Any suggestions?
> Bruce Thompson
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