[Farmall] Woods Mower I.D.

Troy Bogdan tbogdan1 at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 29 03:57:07 PST 2004

OOps, I forgot, I had one more question.

On the web site it has manuals for two #59 mowers, The 59 C-2 and the 59-LB
(Lawnboy??)??  It doesn't have the L-59-A (which I think mine is).

Can I safely assume this is the same deck I have with a few minor changes
for later model tractors, or am I off in that assumption.  You know what
they say when you assume . . . you make an ass out of you and me!

Thanks,  Troy

on 12/29/04 6:43 AM, Troy Bogdan at tbogdan1 at earthlink.net wrote:

> Well, I finally got around to measuring my mower, and I still can't identify
> it.  According to the chart, below,
> WOODS Mower Model    Identification Features
> 42     42" Cut, Single Spindle, rotating clockwise, RH discharge, single
> belt drive
> L42    42" cut, Single Spindle, rotating counter clockwise, LH discharge,
> single belt drive
> 59    5'cut, 3 spindle, clockwise rotation, RH discharge, 3 groove center
> pulley
> L59    5'cut, 3 spindle, counterclockwise rotation, LH discharge, single
> belt
> L306     6' cut, 3 spindle, counterclockwise rotation, LH discharge, 3
> groove center pulley, single belt
> L503    5'cut, 3 spindle, counterclockwise rotation, LH discharge, single
> belt
> When I measured, I came up with a deck that is 60" (5' Cut) wide in the
> front, 25" long on the side and it has three spindles.  I forgot to check
> for counter or clockwise motion.  Also, when you count spindles, does that
> include center pulley or not?  I assumed yes, and I think my center pulley
> is three grooves.  It is a right-hand discharge.  So I believe that you may
> have it, when you said an L-59 Jim.  What is the "A" designation in your
> guess of L59-A (Does that just mean Model A??)?.
> Do all agree??  Thanks, Troy in PA

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