[AT] 12,000 lb winches

Dean VP deanvp at att.net
Sat Apr 20 12:34:40 PDT 2024

 I plan on overbuying capability on the winch to try to stay away from running it at capacity which improves safety in my mind and should give me a better duty cycle.  I'd have to probably pull out an old physics book to determine what a rolling 8000lb load really applies to the winch at the tilted deck angle but let's assume the deck is tilted at 30 degrees the actual load on the winch still would be substantially less than 8,000 lbs  probably more like 4000 lbs or so. So, a 12,000 lb winch should not have to work very hard. So, I shouldn't have to worry about duty cycle as you have mentioned.  Paying for extra unused capacity gives me a little more peace of mind and more safety which I am more than a little over sensitized about right now.  Winches are inherently not the safest device ever invented. But hopefully safer than me backing a tractor on to a tilted deck and not being able to see behind me very well. 

    On Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 07:13:59 AM PDT, Henry Miller <hank at millerfarm.com> wrote:  
 The 12000 lbs wince means it can do a vertical lift of 12000 lbs.  Your are pulling up a ramp so we can use trig to figure out how much load you really see (we can, but I don't feel like pulling out my pre-calc books to do so), the result will be substantially less than the full  weight of the tractor.  I have a 2000 lbs ATV winch on my trailer and it has no problem loading my JD B (which is a lot lighter than your 720, but more than 2000 lbs).  Unless you are pulling tractors out of a fence or mud you won't need 12000 lbs.

Generally the duty cycle isn't a problem.  Duty cycle is at max load, and you are never at max load for very long which means you can safely run longer.  Doing tractor tiedown once it is loaded and then pulling the line out again allows a lot of time for the winch to cool while loading.  And then you give it plenty of time to sit while driving to where you are going.

Warning, winch ratings have no margin of safety, that is the most it can lift in lab conditions.  Never stand behind something being pulled uphill by a winch unless you are strong enough to stop it when something breaks and the tractor starts rolling back.  When winching something on a trailer it is best to just ensure nothing is behind the trailer that you care about tractor rolling into.  I don't think you can stop your 720.

Different winch cables have different behaviors when the cable breaks.  Many of them will come back and whip the person sitting in the tractor seat.  

  Henry Miller
  hank at millerfarm.com

On Thu, Apr 18, 2024, at 00:40, Dean VP wrote:
> Since my accident I am unable to turn my head to the rear nearly as 
> much as I was able to in the past which wasn't all that good before as 
> I've gotten older.  But,,,,  I still want to load tractors on my 20' 
> tilt 10,400 lb GVW equipment trailer but in a little safer way than 
> before.  I tend to load tractors on backwards so I can get more weight 
> on the tongue since JD Two Cylinder tractors have about 70% of their 
> total weight on the rear axle. My heaviest Two Cylinder is a JD 720 LP 
> Standard which weighs close to 8000 lbs. So... my idea is to get a 
> 12,000 lb Winch mounted to the very front of the tilt bed and winch 
> tractors on rather than back them on. My thinking is to have a cordless 
> remote so I could sit in the seat of the tractor while it is being 
> pulled on so I could steer a bit if necessary.  I do have removable 
> fenders and the bed is 102" wide through the whole 20' except between 
> the tires so I don't have to be perfectly centered.  Now thinking of 
> Winches i have decided that even though my heaviest tractor is 8000 lbs 
> I will be pulling up a slope so I need the extra pulling capacity and I 
> want the extra capacity to get a better duty cycle.  If one looks at 
> the specs of various winches Duty Cycle is not even mentioned or 
> conveniently hidden but if one digs deep enough you will find worrying 
> specs of winching 45 seconds under full load and then have to wait 15 
> minutes.  That is not compatible with my needs.  Especially when 
> typical winching speeds of 20 FPM are applied to a 20'trailer.  Initial 
> looks at some higher priced winches gets better Duty Cycles that appear 
> to be acceptable. Then the winch specs are based on which level the tow 
> cable or rope is at which gets really confusing. I am leaning toward 
> getting a rope as opposed to a steel cable just simply because how 
> nasty steel cables can be. If necessary, I'm willing to replace the 
> rope occasionally if it wears out. I'm thinking of using a steel plate 
> that has a right angle that wraps around the front end of the bed frame 
> bolted in and then bolt the winch and plate though the bed. I haven't 
> found a commercial plate that does that so may have to fabricate 
> one. But given all those parameters, I am interested in what ATIS 
> members have found to work for them. Or whatever brands are suggested 
> for Winches and recommendations on how to mount the winch on the bed of 
> the trailer.  I don't want to spend more than necessary but I also 
> realize I can't lowball this. .Any comments, suggestions and help will 
> be appreciated. 
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