[AT] Now shop mysteries - Was Engine Heater and wiper arms
Henry Miller
hank at millerfarm.com
Wed Feb 9 18:49:46 PST 2022
Roger, I can sympathize with that. I just got out of the hospital having a "probably not cancer tumor" removed from my spine and am on the no lifting more than 10 lbs for 6 weeks orders. (it had already killed a few nerves and would have paralyzed me in time)
Worst part is getting home and having my youngest (1.5 years) run to me with arms up and I couldn't hold her.
I'm going nuts, I'm not allowed at work, and it is hard to think of something to do in the shop that won't be more than 10lbs in some way. Just lifting a salad bag out of the fridge hurts, so for not I'm not about to cheat.
Tractor related, when told me it would no lifting for 6 weeks I went out and bought a new JD 1025R, big enough to remove any snow without having to lift anything. My other tractors are hand start, and besides they don't have any ability to remove snow - shoveling is barely okay when you feel young.
On Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 22:19, Roger Moffat wrote:
> And there’s the problem I currently have…
> Just before Christmas I had a surgery to remove a possibly, but turned
> out it wasn’t cancerous kidney. After that I was on a restricted
> activity regime for almost 7 weeks - including not lifting anything
> more than 10lbs.
> So I only went out to my shop a couple of times - each time I had to
> have my wife lift up the big overhead door so I could get my 1949 Cub
> out to clear some of the West Michigan snow off my driveway, then she
> had to come pull the door down again.
> Anyway, after getting clearance from the surgeon yesterday to resume
> normal activity I went out to get my lawn tractor and snow blower going
> to do a better job on the drive, and couldn’t find the battery charger
> it turned out I needed, then when done, couldn’t find either of the TWO
> hearth brushes I have to clean the snow off the tractor before putting
> it away.
> I shudder to think what will happen when I get to start working on my 2
> Franklin cars in the new workshop any day now.
> A mind is a terrible thing to lose LOL
> Roger
>> On Feb 8, 2022, at 10:54 PM, Mike M <meulenms at gmx.com> wrote:
>> I know how that goes, my shop is organized chaos, but it's my chaos.
>> When my wife decides it's too messy and cleans it up, I can't find a
>> thing. :)
>> Regards,
>> Mike M
>> On 2/8/2022 10:48 PM, Spencer Yost wrote:
>>> Yes, and they have disappeared from my pocket too.
>>> Most terrifying is the 1/2” box end wrench that just shows up in the
>>> most random places; even when I’m not even looking for it. It’s like
>>> it’s following me.
>>> It’s beginning to get to me. Pretty soon I’m sure it’s gonna start
>>> talking to me like that doll in twilight zone: “Hi I’m talking Tina
>>> and I’m going to kill you“.
>>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_Doll_(The_Twilight_Zone)
>>> Spencer
>>>> Spencer, ever have a socket evaporate from your hand between the tool
>>>> box and the tractor?
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