[AT] Steve and tools (Gopher Call)

Brad Loomis brad.loomis at gmail.com
Wed May 19 09:54:16 PDT 2021

Interesting about my mail. I never saw it either until Richard's post, so I
went to AT to check my settings, looked around, saw it was listed on
the"recent"postings page.
Regardless, a Spencer thing,
Here in California we have Pocket Gophers. They live mostly underground
surfacing only to move to a fresh planter. They do check their tunnels
daily so they are trappable, I prefer  Macabee traps. I've got dozens over
the years here. No shortage, when you kill one, six more move in.
So for $20 and making the free shipping threshold for actual useful tools,
even if it doesn't work on pocket gophers, it's a cool novelty.

On Wed, May 19, 2021, 9:19 AM Stephen Offiler <soffiler at gmail.com> wrote:

> I haven't seen Brad's note come thru yet, so Richard's note is the first
> I'm seeing this.
> Here's the long version of the Gopher Call story:  if you visit our
> homepage, you'll see we are broken down into three brands:  Central Tools,
> Moody Tools, and King Tools.  We've always been Central Tools.  The latter
> two are acquisitions we made, and kept the brand names as they have
> recognition with customers.
> King Tool came out of Bozeman, MT in 2015.  They were retiring and selling
> out and we moved the whole thing back to our location in Cranston, RI.  (I
> spent about a month in Bozeman between August-Sept 2015; it's a wonderful
> place) The gopher call was one of King Tool's little side-projects.  It
> clearly doesn't fit with the tool theme of our company, but it's a decent
> seller with a decent profit margin, so we kept it.  About all I can say
> about it is that it does make some whistling sort of noise when you blow
> thru it.  Whether that whistle actually attracts gophers... sorry, no
> personal experience.  They've been around for quite a while and we sell a
> bunch every year, so I guess if they didn't work, word would have gotten
> around by now.
> Unfortunately they happen to be in short supply right now.  We are having
> a lot of trouble procuring certain aluminum products, and the tube for the
> body of the gopher call was backordered for an ungodly long time.  Material
> came in and we ran them less than a week ago.  Now they go back out to an
> outfit somewhere in the Northwest for camo anodizing.  Oddly, we can't get
> anyone to do a camo pattern anodize anywhere local to us, so we continue to
> use the original vendor, requiring shipping in both directions.  Our main
> customer is an outfit called Lockhart... here's a link:
> https://www.lockhart-industries.com/products/kcs-gopher-call?variant=8632524165
> But wait.  I just checked stock and it looks like we have 22 on hand of
> the Central brand.
> SO
> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:05 AM Richard Walker <richardwalker at pobox.com>
> wrote:
>> Like Brad, gotta say I'm skeptical, but also curious.  Any user reviews,
>> Steve?
>> https://www.centraltools.com/kgc-gopher-call.html
>> Steve,
>> So, I stumbled across this gopher call. Really? Any knowledge about this
>> product? If I can sit in my dining room with that and my pellet gun, city
>> limits puts the kybosh on the .17HMR, I'd be a happy man. So please tell me
>> more! That will push me over the free shipping limit.
>> Brad
>> Googling, I did find one post praising it on a predator forum:
>> http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=675112
>> *Redfrog I have the above **K.C. Gopher Call, it works like a charm,
>> especially usefull at rimfire sorts of ranges. The science (from a U of
>> Lethbridge site) is that gopher (richardson ground squirels) have two basic
>> warning calls one for aerial predators (shorter and variable pitch) and one
>> for ground predators (longer single pitch). Thier reaction is different for
>> the two calls the short one they take cover (aerial attacks are fast) with
>> the long call there tendency is to stand up and look for the threat. Which
>> exposes them to be shot.*
>> *Typical routine with me is to :*
>> *find an area that has them *
>> *sit down*
>> *shoot the ones dumb enough to not hide*
>> *shoot the ones dumb enough to come out to see what all the shooting is
>> about*
>> *start caling*
>> *shoot the ones dumb enough to come out to see where the trouble is.*
>> *Move to the next likly spot and repeat.*
>> *The furthest I have had them stand up is 200ish, weather they stood
>> because of the call at that range it is hard to prove, but under 100 it is
>> really obvious that it works.*
>> *It is so worth the 20$ don't leave home without it *
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