[AT] What Year?

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 11:39:57 PST 2021

When I saw Herb's subject line I thought he must be asking what year this
is and thought that with a calender handy and some thinking I might be able
to answer that question... But no, he wanted more than that.
I recall the event well but can't recall what year it was for sure. I don't
recall if that was my first year for Portland or not. I do recall my first
year there and am pretty sure that it was the year of the boxes going west?
I met the first ATIS member in person that year, Phill Auten... I believe
that a meal gathering was held mid week and we went to that and I then went
back for the weekend. (I think)  :-)
That little Pacer was cranking out so much power that even the big steam
engines were backing away from either fear or respect or both.
I always loved that location  by the pony arena except for that one year
when the whole area was standing about 6 inches of water.
Lots and lots of great ATIS memories from many years (and I hope more to
come). Diana and I got our first set of Covid19 shots on the 20th as we are
both high risk and get the second round on the 10th of Feb. Barring health
problems we fully intend to be at Portland this year if it is held. We may
be riding around in our old golf cart all sealed in plastic and sporting
barbed wire bumpers for social distancing...  :-)



Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com
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