[AT] Weekend
szabelski at wildblue.net
szabelski at wildblue.net
Mon May 25 06:24:11 PDT 2020
Got the tomatoes (about 9 different varieties, 79 plants), peppers (about 6 different varieties, 39 plants), cabbage, and celery put in yesterday.
Today it’s sunflowers, corn, rutabaga, 7 or 8 different squashes, 2 or 3 different pumpkins, beans, beets, and an assortment of some odds and ends. My wife and daughter got involved with a seed swap group, so we’ve got some not too common seeds that my wife wants to plant.
Tomorrow I have to run the the granary and get potatoes and onions. My wife will probably find something else to try while we’re there.
We were expecting rain yesterday, didn’t get it, doesn’t look like it’ll happen today either. We’re supposed to have rain all this week. As long as it holds off until we get everything in, that’s OK with me. The garden didn’t rototill too well since the ground was still too wet from earlier rains, but it started to dry out and we decided to start putting things in anyway.
----- Original Message -----
From: Indiana Robinson <robinson46176 at gmail.com>
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Sent: Sun, 24 May 2020 22:06:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [AT] Weekend
Planted a batch of potatoes this last week between the rains every 15
minutes. :-)
Went from here (Central Indiana) to Eastern Kentucky (About Lexington)
with son Scott (masking and distancing) so I could help him look at a
flatbed roll-off with a wheel lift. Diana went too. It met needs and he put
his ton dually on it and we drove it back. OK, he drove it back, I only
drive when I can't get out of it. I used to sell wholesale on the road
years ago and drove enough to get my fill of it.
I didn't get those spud rows far enough apart for a full tractor to fit so
I decided to pull out a Gravely LI walk behind to cultivate them (if it
ever gets dry again). I had driven that little tractor under a building
that sat about 3' off of the ground back sometime before my 2013 quad
bypass and it had sank in about 4 inches and both tires were flat. I tried
to pull it back out from under there (like I used to) but apparently
somebody glued it to the ground... I finally drove my little VAC Case over
by the building and put a chain and come-a-long on it to pull it out
without breaking something. Did I mention that it had gotten %$#& hot this
weekend? Got it out and looked it over and sat the portable air tank on the
golf cart and started to fill the flat tires. The left one filled fine and
looked good. The right one didn't do as well. It aired up but then I heard
a sound like stitches letting go. Then all of the air left that little tire
in a split second and pretty loudly. I could maybe patch the tube but I
don't think I have any 12" patches. :-) I do have maybe 8 Gravely's from
complete to parts hulks so I'm pretty well supplied with parts, tires etc.
I have a couple of Gravely L - 8 speed tractors but I don't have time for
that kind of project right now. I have a couple of Garden-Aid two wheel
tractors that I bought at a Portland auction a number of years ago. I need
to look and see if I have cultivators for one of them. It doesn't take much
to rig something up. I also have a McLean two wheel tractor (made in
Indianapolis) but it is in a building in the next county and I can't
remember how the back of it is made.
I also have a couple of Troy-bilt Horse models I could use. I have to
decide quickly, the weeds are germinating very well.
Went to 2 cemeteries today to check and see if everybody is still there and
that none of their graves have been vandalized. It would have been easier
if the cemeteries were not 50 miles apart but it was a nice ride. We have a
few more to check.
Is anybody else here getting tired of having to look stuff up for jobs you
learned to do years ago but now have to fight to make your mind cough
stuff back up out of the dark back corners? Even at one of the cemeteries
today I had to fight to recall blocks of the family tree that I used to
just recite off of the top of my head. It will usually come back with some
effort but sometimes it seems like a cat trying to hack up a hairball...
Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com
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