[AT] Project Updates '49 A, '51 A, and '47 B (STEVE ALLEN)
szabelski at wildblue.net
szabelski at wildblue.net
Mon May 11 12:47:14 PDT 2020
Again if I remember correctly, I think I read somewhere were you could use a coil without an internal resistor if you replaced the standard spark plug and coil wires with resistive wires. That would be equivalent to putti
----- Original Message -----
From: Howard Pletcher <hrpletch at gmail.com>
To: Antique Tractor Email Discussion Group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Mon, 11 May 2020 12:10:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [AT] Project Updates '49 A, '51 A, and '47 B (STEVE ALLEN)
You are correct Carl. A 12V system takes a 12V coil with an internal
resistor or and external 1.4 ohm resistor commonly called a ballast
resistor can be used with a 6V coil. These are available at most auto
parts stores. This is to avoid burning the points as you say.
On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 11:14 AM <szabelski at wildblue.net> wrote:
> Cecil,
> My Farmall H, 4 cylinder, was converted from 6V to 12V by the PO. I use a
> coil with an internal resistor.
> I remember reading some articles on doing a 6V to 12V conversion when I
> had to replace the coil at one time and needed to figure out what I needed
> for the new coil. My understanding, if I remember correctly, is that
> without the internal resistor the points will burn out a whole lot quicker.
> Carl
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