[AT] Good tractor week

Spencer Yost spencer at rdfarms.com
Sun Jul 19 22:08:42 PDT 2020

I got the second cutting hay in. Went smoothly and got 117 bales off my 2 acres. There’s a lot of purple clover this year. I have no idea why. It’s never really been much of a problem before. Being ruminants, our alpacas tolerate it reasonably well. But you definitely don’t want to overfeed it or they can get a little gassy.

The mower gave me a little bit of a fit. I lost a sickle knife pretty much as soon as I started. This goes to John Hall’s question about bolt-on sickles. As I mentioned I’ve used them for years now. But this particular mower has a couple of the original knife clips on them.  Original clips do not have the clearance for non-riveted knives. They make special clips for using bolt-on sickle knives. Wouldn’t you know it: the knife that broke was traveling under one of the original clips. So I had to remove it to finish.   Ordering a hi-rise clip from Messicks next week.

The Ford was its usual workhorse, and the John Deere 430 V operated like a dream while raking .   The baler baled all 117 without a miss and got it in the barn Wednesday before a rain overnight.

A good week.


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