[AT] Allis Model C handle a Rotobailer

jslavin at marktwain.net jslavin at marktwain.net
Thu Oct 24 14:23:53 PDT 2019

My dad baled a lot of hay with a Farmall Super H on the old AC round baler.  He got very adept at slipping it into neutral and releasing the foot clutch without missing a lick.  But when he decided to start baling with the Farmall 450 he thought that was a major improvement due to it having live PTO.  Me, not so much, cause the bales were equally heavy no matter which tractor baled it.

John S.

> Mark J:  I don't think we ever even tried running the Roto-Baler with a tractor 
> not having live power...typically we used a JD 730 or 620, either of 
> which had absolutely no problem powering the machine.

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