[AT] Agricultural Equipment Diagnostic Technicians

Jack jacktractor at live.com
Sun Oct 6 14:25:34 PDT 2019

I had a red 67 Dodge Cart Convertible that had left hand thread lug bolts on the left side for a while.

I worked for a neighbor who had a sickle bar mower that bolted to the rear of his TO30. The three point hitch would lift the bar. A Pittman connected to a wheel driven by the PTO and to the sickle bar. I was told that the Pittman bolted to the drive wheel with a left hand thread fastener.

[Moe Fretz]
"lefty loosey, righty tighty"

Moe Fretz

Ontario, Canada

[James] The first wheel lug bolts I ever twisted off were on the left side of a 53 Studebaker pickup. I used to wonder about the relationship between John Deere and Studebaker because of the green farm wagon and green pickup.

I have another lefty tightly story from the railroad days.

[Jim Becker]  I have a BA in Mathematics and I did OK.  At least half the things I worked with didn't exist when I was in school.  A good 4 year degree helps you be flexible and be prepared for a lifetime of learning.

The half-life of a troubleshooting procedure is maybe 5 years.  If you don't start using tech school training almost immediately, you'll find the only part still applicable is lefty loosey, righty tighty.

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