[AT] OT New Toy
Stephen Offiler
soffiler at gmail.com
Sun May 19 03:31:40 PDT 2019
Thanks for the pics, Cecil.... looks solid (and like Phil said, wow that
clay is red). Too much power is not a complaint you'll hear from me on my
old JD440IC!
On Sat, May 18, 2019 at 9:36 PM Cecil Bearden <crbearden at copper.net> wrote:
> It has so much power compared to my old D6 that ran on 5 cylinders, I
> don't hardly realize it is digging until it is too late.
> Cecil
> On 5/18/2019 11:51 AM, Phil Auten wrote:
> Man, you weren't kidding about the "red dirt" Cecil. That is a pretty nice
> (and big) machine!
> Phil in TX
> On 5/18/2019 8:28 AM, Cecil Bearden wrote:
> Here is a couple of pictures of my new toy. It doesn't really do it
> justice.
> Cecil
> On 5/16/2019 11:54 PM, Phil Auten wrote:
> Dozers are really amazing! I had worked on the tank on my place several
> years ago using a 5' box blade on the back of my Farmall M. I was able to
> make a little headway getting rid of a ridge that created a shallow end and
> smoothed it out enough that I was satisfied. Took me two weeks working on
> it after work till dark.
> Enter my neighbor that leased my pasture. The drought had the tank down to
> a puddle about 20'X8' and maybe a foot deep. He hired a man with a dozer
> who went to work making the tank deeper and scooping out the shallow end so
> it matched the deep end. This more than doubled the capacity and also got
> rid of all the willows that surrounded the tank and sucked up water like a
> sponge. Took him about 3 hours. I was flabbergasted! George wouldn't tell
> me how much it cost, but I am guessing it was $2,500. Amazingly, 3 days
> after the work was finished we got a huge rain and it filled the tank. Talk
> about luck!
> Phil in TX
> On 5/16/2019 10:23 PM, Cecil Bearden wrote:
> Took delivery of a Cat D6D yesterday. My early Father's Day present. It
> has a cab, but w/ an air conditioner that is gonna need a lot of work...
> My old dozer was a D6 8U series about 1952 model... This is like the
> difference between a 4020 and a TO-30!! Our old red clay is a pain to try
> to move with anything, but this machine can move a bunch of it. I have
> been busy with building crossings over the creeks. the cows use them more
> than I do. It is so wet here that cattle go down to their knees when
> within 6 feet of the water. Worked about 5 hours today with the D6D and
> the 944 loader and built a crossing about 4 ft above the creek and 100 ft
> long with a 24in pipe. I dug fill out of a 100 yr old railroad embankment
> with the dozer and hauled it with the 944... I love Cat equipment, its
> the gift that keeps on giving!!!!
> Cecil
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