[AT] (1995) Subscription to mailing list ANTIQUE-TRACTOR

Richard Walker richardwalker at pobox.com
Sun Dec 15 17:18:04 PST 2019

Thought you fellow dinosaurs might find this interesting.   The original 
ATIS subscription e-mail sent to me after first subscribing in 1995.

-  Richard Walker


     WW           WW  EEEEE  LL       CCCCCC    OOO    MM      MM EEEEE
      WW    W    WW   E      LL      CC        O   O   MMMM  MMMM E
       WW  W W  WW    EEE    LL     CC        O     O  MM  MM  MM EEE
        WWW   WWW     E      LL      CC        O   O   MM      MM E
         W     W      EEEEE  LLLLLL   CCCCCC    OOO    MM  .    MM EEEEE
                 TO THE                    |     \  |
                                                     ---------\/ __|
             "ANTIQUE TRACTOR LIST SERVER"    |        ----+--
                                                     OO+=====/ @@@@@ \
                                                    OOOO @@@@@@@

>> What is it:                                       OO        @@@@@

A non-moderated undigested electronic mailing list server.  This server has
been created for the electronic distribution of information concerning old
farm tractors and related equipment.  This is the primary component of what
I call the "Antique Tractor Forum".  Additional services in the "forum"
are: a digest list, an archive server, and a gopher server.  The world wide
web server at Forsyth county also contains links to the gopher server and
to the antique mechanics home page at the University of California, 
Davis. You may join just the digest list, but unfortunately there are some
restrictions(software's restrictions, not mine) in replying.  To get around
this, join the regular list as well, but set your account to nomail. This
way you can participate fully.

>>  Who is this for?: 
                                             Anyone who wants to help 
make and maintain an e-mail network of old tractor
lovers, parts suppliers, and just plain interested persons.  Anytime you
wish to contribute, simply mail your message to:
antique-tractor at ledger.co.forsyth.nc.us

>>  Manager:

This list server is a NON-MODERATED list but I, Spencer Yost, (see
signature below), will manage it.  I will do my utmost to keep it running
and will not edit nor censure (translation: "remove from list") a user for
any reason, however, my employer retains that right(it's their machine). 
If they tell me to trash any user, or the entire list, I must oblige.

I am facilitating on my own time using the county VAX.  Therefore, any mail
messages you send directly to me, I will not be able to respond to until my
lunch or evening hours, so it may take me some time to get back to you.

>>  Wish list from the manager:

  -  We conduct ourselves as Ladies and Gentlemen, refraining from poor
      taste,language and judgement.  (lest employer kills list)

  -  We keep items relevant to ANTIQUE tractors, implements and farm 
      (No 1994 modified turbo 4WD stump jumpers here!).

>>  Fine print:
    All opinions, facts, figures, and etc. in any mail message you may 
from this list are presumed to belong to the author and have NO reflection
or bearing on Forsyth County Government.  Forsyth County Government nor the
manager endorse or guarantee any information, methodologies or products
mentioned in any message.

>> Archive:

Messages will be archived for as long as possible.  This currently looks to
be a real long time (-:%   There is an automated archive server. Send a one
line email message that reads "send archive" to (you must be a regular list
atfileserver at ledger.co.forsyth.nc.us
Archives are available via the gopher server as well.

>> A word of thanks:

Thanks for subscribing and I hope that this relationship is profitable for
ALL parties involved.

>> Signature:

|  Spencer William Yost          |      Mis Department                |
|  Vax/VMS Systems Manager       |      Forsyth County Government     |
| Yost at ledger.co.forsyth.nc.us |      200 N. Main St Room 603       |
|  (910) 727 - 2597 ext. 3020    |      Hall Of Justice               |
|                                |      Winston-Salem NC 27101        |
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